From the first contact to conversion
Customer Journeys
Surely, nearly all business executives have asked themselves at least once where the marketing expenses actually go and whether they are well-spent at all. With customer journey analyses, we can find out exactly that!
Johannes Stabel
- Head of Web Analytics
Customer Journeys
The journey of your customers - Customer Journey
As John Wanamaker said:
“Half the money I spend on advertising is wasted; the trouble is I don’t know which half.”
This exact issue can be addressed with Customer Journey analyses. The journeys of your users through the internet are examined to then specifically target them. This approach aims to reduce costs and increase revenues.
"With customer journey analyses, you have the opportunity to track customers from the first contact to conversion. This even allows you to optimize remarketing actions by adjusting your marketing materials accordingly."
Johannes Stabel
How Customer Journeys Can Help You
To effectively distribute your marketing expenses, especially online, you need to understand how your website visitors navigate the internet. You need to know their demographics, where they are located, and how they interact with you. Only then can you adjust your expenses appropriately and use them more strategically.
Here’s an example to illustrate this: You run a website and use display advertising, AdWords, search engine marketing, social media channels, and flyers to promote it. It would be very helpful to know if users are drawn to your content through social media or banner ads. At the same time, it would be useful to understand the impact of Google AdWords. You could then optimize your marketing efforts to reach your customers in the right situation and with the right message. For instance, if you knew that your users become aware of your product through display ads and social media and complete the purchase through AdWords, you could adjust your marketing tools accordingly. In this case, you would optimize your display banners and social media activities for the first contact and tailor your Google AdWords campaigns for the purchase completion. Please note that this is a fictitious example and your situation may look completely different. Also, search engine marketing and flyers have been completely ignored here.
This modification can ultimately reduce your expenses and increase your revenue. Essentially, it’s about answering the question: How can you reach users at the right time, in the right place, with the right message?
However, there are also some important points to consider. User behavior on the internet is currently changing significantly. More and more users are surfing the internet with multiple devices. At the same time, they are doing this in increasingly varied situations, whether it’s in front of the TV or on the subway.
Data protection is also changing. Users can opt out of website tracking and send general requests through the DoNotTrack header to avoid being tracked for marketing purposes.
Analyze your data with the appropriate software
With web analytics programs, such as Google Analytics, these evaluations can be well conducted given the appropriate expertise, even considering the mentioned limitations. Initially, the programs analyze your own website, but with suitable adjustments, customer journeys can be developed that map the user journey across the entire internet. Attribution models can also be applied to these, which immediately assign monetary values to the individual marketing channels.
Our Cases
Migration sämtlicher Konten zu Matomo
Erstellung automatisierter Reportings
Creation of a Tracking Concept
Integration of GA4 including Server-Side Tracking
Ongoing support and expansion
Continuous Web Analysis Support
Optimization of GA4 Configurations
Creation of a Looker Studio Reporting
Reporting - Creation & Continuous Maintenance
Ensuring Correct Data Collection
Design & Development of Reporting
Customer Journey Agency in Berlin
Customer journeys are the key to successful campaigns and targeted online marketing.
We support you in optimizing your online channels with the customer journey – whether it's a website, landing page, or e-shop.
We are always available to you by phone, in person, and via email.
Warrior Knowledge
New Web Analytics Knowledge
Weitere Webanalyse-Leistungen
Webtracking Einbau
Mit professionellem Webtracking-Einbau erhältst du präzise Daten für die Optimierung deiner Website und Marketingmaßnahmen.
Server Side Tracking
Server-Side-Tracking sichert präzise Daten und erhöht den Datenschutz.
Google Tag Manager
Der Google Tag Manager ermöglicht dir, Tracking-Tags flexibel und ohne Code-Anpassungen zu verwalten.
etracker ist ein DSGVO-konformes Webanalyse-Tool, das dir detaillierte Einblicke in das Verhalten deiner Nutzer*innen bietet.
Conversion Optimization
Conversion optimization strategically increases the number of users who perform desired actions on your website.
Usability Analyse
Eine Usability-Analyse zeigt dir, wie Nutzer*innen deine Website erleben und wo Optimierungspotenziale liegen.
Webanalyse Schulungen
Webanalyse-Schulungen vermitteln dir das Know-how, um Daten effektiv zu nutzen und fundierte Optimierungsentscheidungen zu treffen.
Google Analytics
Wir richten Google Analytics für dich ein, damit du datenbasierte Entscheidungen treffen kannst.