Go viral together – let's unleash your reach!


Facebook is not only the largest social network but also the most actively used one. It offers various approaches and levers for marketing, and it is unbeatable in the precise targeting of advertisements.

Photo of an employee in a green and white sweater laughing - internetwarriors
TÜV Nord Logo
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Fresenius University Logo
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Yasser Teilab

- Paid Ads Team


Together on the Road to Success – your Facebook, our Expertise!

"Facebook is one of the most far-reaching social networks worldwide. Make the most of the opportunities this platform offers – with a compelling page, engaging content, and a perfectly tailored advertising strategy!"

Yasser Teilab

Facebook is one of the best platforms to effectively reach audiences. With creative content and strong ads, you can maximize reach and interaction. Want to get noticed? Facebook makes it possible!

Close-up of the screens and the red cup in the foreground - internetwarriors
Close-up of the screens and the red cup in the foreground - internetwarriors
Close-up of the screens and the red cup in the foreground - internetwarriors


A professional Facebook fan page is a go-to place and source of information for your customers.

A Facebook page should be kept up-to-date and include not only promotional messages but also content that is helpful or entertaining for users. Additionally, alongside your own content, share external content that is relevant to your target audience.

And most importantly: The social web is never a one-way communication street; it thrives on dialogue!

Your fans and followers appreciate likes, comments, and responses just as much as you do! So, it's true - good social media marketing mainly means one thing: work! Work where we stand by you professionally and with great enthusiasm, or are happy to take over completely.


Set up Facebook features and apps & kickstart your success!

Facebook offers a variety of features and apps that we set up and tailor to your needs.

We design Facebook tabs in corporate design, use apps like newsletter sign-ups or contests with a focus on conversion, and post events, news, and snack content on your Facebook page.

When it comes to content planning, we support you with our expertise and a professional editorial calendar, make suggestions for different content formats, and can also produce them for you if needed.



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Team Paid Advertising

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Our Case Studies

Referenzen: Click. Like. Share.

References: With us by your side to success.

IBB Logo
  • Betreuung der YouTube Kampagnen

  • Präzises Targeting und detaillierte Ausrichtung

  • Regelmäßige Reportings & Maßnahmendefinition

TÜV Nord Logo
  • Einrichtung und Betreuung von LinkedIn Kampagnen

  • Gezielte Zielgruppenansprache

Bund Verlag Logo
  • Betreuung der Facebook (Meta Ads) Kampagnen

  • Datengetriebene Optimierung und Erstellung eines Reportings

Fresenius Logo
  • Betreuung der Meta Ads

  • Laufende Pflege und Kampagnenanalyse

  • Erhöhung der Markenbekanntheit


Facebook Ads – the direct access to an interested audience

Formats, Advertising Goals, and Types of Facebook Ads

Additional Features of Advertising on Facebook

The same applies to Facebook: choose different ad variations, test, optimize!

Facebook Ads – the direct access to an interested audience

Formats, Advertising Goals, and Types of Facebook Ads

Additional Features of Advertising on Facebook

The same applies to Facebook: choose different ad variations, test, optimize!

Facebook Ads – the direct access to an interested audience

Formats, Advertising Goals, and Types of Facebook Ads

Additional Features of Advertising on Facebook

The same applies to Facebook: choose different ad variations, test, optimize!

Join us - we're developing the perfect strategy with you!

We collaborate with you to develop a social media strategy that aligns with your goals and customer base. Our campaign strategies deliver precise results. For like campaigns, click campaigns, remarketing, and conversion optimization, we are your go-to experts on the social web.

Using analysis tools like Facebook Insights or Google Analytics, we continuously review and optimize your social media marketing, providing long-term support on Facebook and beyond.

For an efficient and targeted social media presence, get in touch with us now!



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