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The new features of Google Search Console

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Logo der Google Search Console

The Google Search Console (GSC), formerly known as Google Webmaster Tools, is an SEO analysis tool to measure the performance of a website. This free analysis tool offers some useful features for search engine optimization. Our experience with clients shows that while the Search Console is often used, the full scope and usage of the individual functions are not always fully known. Since Google has recently made some changes to the GSC and added or removed certain functions in the process, we will show you the most important changes with practical examples.

What is the Google Search Console?

The free service of the Google Search Console provides comprehensive possibilities to monitor, manage, and fix any errors related to a website’s presence in the Search Engine Result Pages (SERP). The tool can be used as a direct channel between Google and the webmaster. In addition to tips for improving presence, webmasters also receive technical information about their site.

Setting up Google Search Console

To use the GSC, only a Google account and free registration in the Google Search Console are required. Each Google account can add up to 1,000 websites or mobile apps.

To set up, first access the Google Search Console. To set up your personal Google Search Console, you must log in with your Google account. Ensure that it is the same account you use for all other webmaster tools. After this step, look for the "Add property" menu item in the dashboard and enter your URL.

[caption id="attachment_25060" align="aligncenter" width="576"]

Geben Sie die Webseiten-URL ein, um eine neue Property in der Google Search Console hinzuzufügen.

Fig. 1: Google Search Console - Adding a Property in GSC[/caption]

On the homepage of the former Google Webmaster Tools, there are currently two options for use. One is the old, traditional version of the GSC, and the other is the newer version, which is significantly more intuitive and offers some new useful features. Google plans to transfer all functions of the Search Console to the newer version in the future. However, at the moment both views, and thus many of the advantages of the original tool, are still available. The analysis period can also be individually set in the new Google Search Console. However, for the first time, data from a longer period, up to 16 months, can now be analyzed.

By clicking the "Date" button, you can easily set the desired period.


[caption id="attachment_25087" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

Neue Ansicht der Leistung und Indexabdeckung in der Goolge Search Console

Fig. 2: New Dashboard of the GSC[/caption][caption id="attachment_25062" align="alignnone" width="1024"]

Crawling-Statistik des alten Dashboards der Google Search Console

Fig. 3: Old Dashboard of the GSC[/caption]

OLD: Crawling Error Report – NEW: Index Coverage Status Report

The primary goal is optimal Google indexing because only then can you benefit from the most powerful search engine. The indexed pages of a domain should be checked at regular intervals. In the old version, this could be reviewed under the indexing status. In the new dashboard of the GSC, crawling errors are displayed in the new "Index Coverage Report".

Here, a distinction is made between the website level and a new URL inspection tool that allows separate URL checks. The advantage here is that the new report focuses on Google-relevant errors from the past month, providing information on critical errors that could lead to exclusion from the index. The old report, on the other hand, included errors from the last 3 months, which were sometimes outdated or only temporary. The new report makes it easier to evaluate, prioritize, and group problems based on recurring issues.

If you have specifically instructed a certain URL to be crawled via your sitemap and there is a 404 message, this will be recognized as an error in your Google Search Console. If this is not the case, it is not recorded as an error. In the old view of the Search Console, all crawling errors that the Googlebot found on a webpage were listed. It was difficult to keep track of the relevance of individual error messages. With the new solution, it is easier to maintain an overview to avoid exclusion from the index.

In the following example, currently, 6,765 URLs have been indexed by Google without errors, and 801,714 URLs are known to Google but have been excluded from the index. The red and yellow graphs show the crawling errors and valid pages with warnings. To determine why pages were excluded or why there were error messages and warnings, a closer look at the table is necessary.

[caption id="attachment_25074" align="aligncenter" width="825"]

Säulendiagramm mit Fehlermeldungen und Warnungen in der GSC

Fig. 4: Errors and Warnings in the GSC[/caption]

Here, the trend of pages with errors or warnings is shown. Additionally, there is a detailed explanation as to why the respective problem occurred. Tip: Errors must be fixed, warnings can be addressed!

OLD: Security Issues – NEW: Security Issues Report

To detect attacks on your domain by hackers or implemented malicious codes in the source code, it was previously possible to receive notices through a notification function of the Google Search Console. If you had activated the message function under "Search Console Settings," you were informed of a possible security issue on your website.

The new version also informs about security issues on a domain and provides recommendations for action. It concerns content areas that cause harmful downloads, malware, and misleading pages due to hacking attacks. In this area, it is apparent when Google imposes penalties on a website.

OLD: Structured Data – NEW Rich Results Status Reports

With structured data, you can mark SEO information such as product data, events, or recipes. Google uses this information to deliver search results more accurately. Directly in the Google Search Console, you can check under the "Improvements" section whether Google lists structured data tags and whether any errors or warnings occur. In the following example, products were integrated.

[caption id="attachment_25066" align="aligncenter" width="898"]

Ausführliche Beschreibungen der Fehler und Warnungen in der GSC

Fig. 5: Rich Results Status Report[/caption]

If you navigate to "Search Queries" via the side menu, you will directly see the search queries equipped with a rich result.

[caption id="attachment_25064" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

Liniendiagramm zur Übersicht der Rich-Results in der GSC

Fig. 6: Overview of Rich Results

NEW: Test for Rich Media Results

To avoid poor results like those in the preceding example prior to implementation, you can use Google's Structured Data Testing Tool to check the integration of structured data. There, data from a URL or individual code snippets can be retrieved directly for inspection. Additionally, the Rich Media Results Test provides another tool for verification. With this tool, you can see not only what elements are recognized but also their errors, warnings, and attributes.[caption id="attachment_25068" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

Eingabefeld "Test für Ergebnisse mit Rich-Results"

Fig. 7: Test for Rich Media Results[/caption]


[caption id="attachment_25070" align="aligncenter" width="1024"]

Testergebnisse des Tests für Ergebnisse mit Rich-Media

Fig. 8: Test Results for Rich Results[/caption]


The Google Search Console is a high-quality tool for analysis, planning, and control in search engine optimization. The tool is free and based on Google's original data.

With the Google Search Console, you have a powerful tool at your disposal to secure an outstanding and sustainable positioning in online marketing. Therefore, we recommend using the GSC for comprehensive analysis of your online presence.

How Can We Assist You?

If you have any questions about the article or need support in setting up and using the Google Search Console, we look forward to your inquiry via our contact form or by phone.



As a long-time expert in SEO (and web analytics), Nadine Wolff has been working with internetwarriors since 2015. She leads the SEO & Web Analytics team and is passionate about all the (sometimes quirky) innovations from Google and the other major search engines. In the SEO field, Nadine has published articles in Website Boosting and looks forward to professional workshops and sustainable organic exchanges.


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