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LinkedIn Guide: Tips and Tricks for the Ultimate LinkedIn Profile
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LinkedIn is one of the most popular networks on the social web, especially when it comes to professional exchange. As user numbers grow, so do interactions. This has allowed the platform to evolve into a personal branding channel over the past few years, offering companies many benefits beyond job searching: Take advantage of an environment that allows you to acquire and maintain contacts across national borders. With an engaging newsfeed, you have the opportunity to quickly expand your reach and gain a strategic advantage. Reason enough to check your own profile for suitability, right?
Make the active and targeted networking of your audience work for you! We at internetwarriors support you in "mixing professionally" on LinkedIn. Contact us!
In the digital age, self-marketing on the internet is a must. But as you may have already noticed yourself, this is often not so easy. We reveal what you should pay attention to in your business profile to present yourself interestingly.
#1 A Meaningful Profile Picture - First Impressions Count
Whether we like it or not, we all judge people, brands, or companies when we first encounter them. This process happens automatically. It helps us navigate our environment. Use the potential of the first impression and create a professionally appealing profile picture. It is a first "icebreaker" and therefore of great relevance for the presentation of your company.
When choosing the right profile picture, make sure it's immediately clear which company it represents. The logo or the acronym of the brand name is ideal for this. As a header image, a slogan or the credo of your company often works very well. The background should use the colors of your brand. Combine these elements to create an optimal overall image and thereby convince with a perfect first impression.

#2 The Profile Slogan - Immediately Captivate Your Contacts
In addition, you should include a profile slogan in your LinkedIn presence that catches the attention of profile visitors. Make sure it contains relevant keywords for your company, so you can be easily found by your target audience.
And not least, a meaningful profile description helps to spark interest in your target group. Pay attention to the correct keywords here as well. An integrated call to action facilitates direct interaction with other users.
#3 Custom URL – Make Your Link Truly Personal
An adapted profile URL can also contribute to a positive impression. Instead of sending a link consisting of arbitrary numbers, a link that clearly relates to you is much more effective. The vanity feature allows you to quickly and easily customize the URL.
#4 Display Your Projects, Articles, or Interviews
On LinkedIn, you have the opportunity to present yourself from your best side. Impress users with already successfully completed project work. Aesthetically presented, you can easily reinforce the initial positive impression. Of course, these work samples are always suggestions and idea generators for new projects with existing and/or new clients.
If your reputation has been positive in addition to this, for example through articles/contributions, interviews, or similar, share it with people. Integrate links or relevant media into your appearance and thus solidify your image.
Furthermore, it is always well-received if you can establish yourself as an expert in your field. Write your own articles, for instance, from which your contacts can gain added value. However, the crucial thing is that you post regularly to keep drawing attention to yourself.
#5 Regularly Interact with Your Network – Stay Remembered
The be-all and end-all on a platform like LinkedIn is to consistently update your content and nurture your contacts. Take time after trade fairs, conferences, or other business events to generate new contacts by sending out personal requests. This ensures that your network continues to grow.
Against this background, it's also worth taking a look at contact recommendations. But what's the point of all the contacts if you don't interact with them? Ask others to endorse your skills or to act as mini-testimonials for you.
Validation by third parties has a noticeable impact on the positive perception of your profile. Your contacts will also appreciate it if you do the same for them. Additionally, like, share, and comment on articles and posts that interest you to increase visibility within your network.

Lacking ideas for content that suits your target audience? We develop the right strategy for you and put your content in the spotlight. Be successful on LinkedIn now - with us, the online professionals from internetwarriors!
#6 Share Interesting Topics with Your Network
Not only regular interaction with your existing network is important, but sharing exciting posts with your community is especially effective to avoid being forgotten.
Have you read an interesting article about, for example, the latest changes in the field of online marketing? Share it with your network. Engage in discourse with your connections, exchange ideas with other experts, and become an interesting contact on your community's network lists.
#7 Increase Reach with Hashtags
Using hashtags is very effective for drawing attention to your posts beyond the reach of your existing contacts.
Use the "#" symbol before individual topic-specific keywords to increase the reach of your post.

7 Points You Should Definitely Include in Your LinkedIn Company Profile
Use a meaningful profile picture
Think of a slogan and a strong profile description
arbitrary numbers in your URL with your profile nameEmbed your
projects, articles, and interviews on your pageComment and Like
the posts of your communityPost regularly
interesting contributionsGenerate more reach with your posts by using topic-relevant hashtags
Do you have further questions about LinkedIn? We at internetwarriors are happy to advise you on any concerns. Get in touch with us now!
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Céline Otto has been part of the SEA team at internetwarriors since April 2022. She is highly knowledgeable in Social Media Marketing and Search Engine Advertising, and she always stays updated with the latest trends (not just in online marketing). Whether it's about increasing your company's reach and visibility or generating new leads, Céline is fully committed!