Jona is reading a book in front of the bookshelf.



with heyData

LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms in Practice: In our case study with heyData, we show how well they really work and what lessons we have learned from them.

Jona is reading a book in front of the bookshelf.



with heyData

LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms in Practice: In our case study with heyData, we show how well they really work and what lessons we have learned from them.

Jona is reading a book in front of the bookshelf.



FIGHTING FOR YOUR LEADS!!! For 20 years, we have been your reliable partner in online marketing. With two decades of experience, we know exactly what it takes to make you successful.

How well do LinkedIn Lead Gen Forms really work?

The strategy, implementation, and pros and cons of lead generation through LinkedIn forms – illustrated with a case study from internetwarrior's client heyData.

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Contents of the Case Study:

  • Introduction to the company heyData

  • Case Study: Lead Gen Challenge

  • Success Factor: Campaigns
    for the Customer Journey

  • Success Factor: Lead Funnel

  • Best Practices

  • Conclusion & Results


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