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Google Ad Grants: Pro-Bono Project "House of One Foundation"

Apr 24, 2020





A church, a synagogue, and a mosque under one roof. Not just as a spectacle, but as truly lived institutions. Is this possible? [caption id="attachment_25443" align="aligncenter" width="540"] Fig. 1: This is what the “House of One” project is expected to look like upon completion. It will house a synagogue, a mosque, and a church.[/caption] The “House of One” foundation says: absolutely. Creating a common meeting space for dialogue between religions, people, and ideas: that’s the goal of the “House of One” foundation, which is launching a globally unique peace project by constructing a building in Berlin. For the first time, three communities of Christianity, Islam, and Judaism come together to build a shared house of prayer and education. In the eyes of the internetwarriors, a highly commendable project, as we also place a high value on diversity and intercultural dialogue. That’s why, since 2019, we have been supporting the “House of One” foundation as a pro-bono case, offering our expertise in online marketing as support. With the help of Google Ad Grants and training, internetwarriors help foundations and other nonprofit projects generate reach and expand their offerings. What exactly is behind “House of One”? “House of One” is a donation-based foundation that seeks to enable long-term and consistent interreligious dialogue through the construction of a building. This building will house a mosque, a church, and a synagogue. All three houses of worship can only be accessed through a shared foyer. Here, an exchange in conversations can occur, bringing the religions closer together not only physically but also spiritually. It is not only aimed at believers of the three religions who practice their faith here. Everyone is warmly invited to engage in exchanges at this place, visit the prayer rooms, learn, and connect with one another. To form their own impression and be inspired by the diversity of religions and cultures, as all three religions carry the same values of mercy, brotherly love, and community. Mutual assistance is another core element that connects. Away from political events, a neutral place is to be created that allows for an uncharged and open meeting and encounter. Moreover, religion will become visible and tangible: A representative of all religions will be available at all times for questions and concerns. Thus, the House of One is not only enormously important for intercultural communication but also the first point of contact for questions on religious topics. The “House of One” serves as a hub between believers, interested individuals, media, and community members. Google Ad Grants and pro-bono support from internetwarriors In 2019, internetwarriors began pro-bono support for the project. Together, the option of the Google Ad Grants Program was discussed. The Google Ad Grants Program allows associations, nonprofit organizations, and foundations to open a free advertising account with Google, with the monthly costs covered by Google. Certain requirements and guidelines must be followed in the creation and use of the account. Additionally, specific criteria must be met. More on this topic can be found in this blog article . Especially with donation-based project financing, organizations with little staff can use any help with consulting, showcasing possibilities, and implementing marketing strategies. Often there is little to no budget for marketing, which can only be sparsely operated due to a lack of capacity. Internetwarriors intervene precisely here and support the projects with industry knowledge in their endeavors. Despite generous donations from the federal and state governments as well as individual donors, the project relies on the contribution of additional donations from private individuals. Google Ad Grants aims to find further donors worldwide. Currently, individuals from over 60 countries have donated to the construction. Donations are possible from as little as 10 euros, for which a symbolic stone can be purchased. More information on donation options can be found on the “House of One” website. How can free ads from Google Ad Grants support the project? Primarily, the foundation wants to expand its reach to spread the message of the project and gain greater attention. The free ads from Google Ad Grants provide the perfect basis, as a certain budget is available free of charge each month. Users’ interest can be piqued and the foundation can educate about the project and the intentions behind it. [object Object] [caption id="attachment_25445" align="aligncenter" width="540"] Fig. 2: Potential goals of Google Ad Grants campaigns that can be achieved with free ads.[/caption] Of course, the foundation is also dependent on donations for the construction financing, for which the free ads are also used with Google Ad Grants. Google’s offering is well-received and is, according to Kerstin Krupp, the foundation’s press spokeswoman, a “great thing.” Pro-Bono Support: Collaboration with internetwarriors The pro-bono support with the years of expertise from internetwarriors was found to be very pleasant by Kerstin Krupp. Due to the personal interest in the project's success, internetwarriors decided to take on the project pro-bono, offering not only the creation of the account but also a free training for the foundation so that it can long-term benefit from the program's advantages with free ads. Of course, as with conventional Google Ads accounts, there are a few things to consider and developments to assess and evaluate when using Google Ad Grants. Sharing this knowledge is one of the goals of the training sessions. From our side, the collaboration has also been a lot of fun. Working together on projects like this, which promote the integration of cultures and the exchange of religions and their followers, is seen as an important component of the community, and we are happy to offer our services pro-bono. We are looking forward to the further development of the project and future collaboration. At this point, we would like to sincerely thank Mrs. Krupp from the foundation for the short interview and the kind words. We wish the project all the best for the future. What we can do for you Do you want to learn more about the project or are you yourself looking for support or consultation for your project? You can contact us here and we will show you the possibilities for supporting foundations and nonprofit projects. We look forward to your inquiry!

The Principle of Verticalization in Online Marketing: When the Manufacturer Meets the Customer

May 31, 2019




Growth Marketing

Table of Contents Vertical Integration of Manufacturers - Why? Retail is booming, consumer demand and appetite for purchasing are constantly growing, and access to and demand for products is greater than ever before. Manufacturers must be making considerable profits and revenues and enjoying prosperous times, one might think. However, some companies have unfortunately learned painfully in recent years that sticking to conventional management styles and classic division of labor can quickly push you out of the market. It's crucial not only to appear solely as a manufacturer but also to get to know your customers personally. We'll explain why this is the case and what causes have led to it. But don't worry, we also have solutions ready for you. What is Vertical Integration Anyway? Vertical integration per se describes the integration of upstream and downstream stages of the value creation process. This means that the previously clearly separated roles and responsibilities of manufacturers and retailers increasingly overlap, and boundaries become more fluid. The mere division between manufacturers and transferring products to distribution partners is far from contemporary, with digitalization being one cause among many. Not only does a manufacturer's external presence become increasingly important, but customer loyalty should also be strengthened through open structures. In (online) marketing, this is called vertical marketing. In vertical integration, manufacturers become so-called verticalizing manufacturers - meaning the products are not only produced by a company but also responsible for sparking the interest of potential customers, building, and strengthening customer relationships. Moreover, a consulting function comes into play before and after purchase, potentially leading to direct sales - the manufacturer thus takes on a significant role in the value chain, depending on how the balance of power between the players is structured. This vertical integration of processes can run in both directions, not only from the manufacturer towards sales but also from retailers towards manufacturers. Given this situation, companies should engage with the topic of vertical integration. The Role of the Customer Life Journey and the Manufacturer Why integrating processes into the value chain into your own company pays off in the long run has something to do with the Customer Life Journey. This describes how a potential customer becomes aware of the brand, develops an interest in a product as well as a willingness to purchase, and subsequently informs themselves about the product. This process is followed by purchase and the customer is subsequently cared for, ensuring that they ideally appear as a returning customer. If a company covers as many steps as possible on this journey, the Customer Life Value increases: The likelihood of a customer's return through established customer loyalty and a repeat purchase rises. [caption id="attachment_24507" align="aligncenter" width="906"] Fig. 1: Customer Life Journey and Customer Life Value in the AIDA Model.[/caption] However, right from the first purchase, the preliminary step of customer loyalty is immensely relevant: The better a company's branding strategy is in advance and a brand builds up, the more likely the potential customer will convert into a buyer and choose against a competitor product. Who hasn't experienced it: You are looking for a specific product and possibly already in the store. A quick grab for the mobile phone to double-check and gather more information. A good branding strategy and optimized online presence can now be decisive for the customer's purchase. Those who have invested well here as a manufacturer can secure the purchase. It isn't necessarily required to have chosen direct sales as a channel, the same principle applies when selling through distribution partners. Branding Strategy - Why and How But how can a manufacturer advance brand development? The right branding strategy is crucial. Verticalizing manufacturers offer product services on their own pages that facilitate close and simple customer contact, provide high-quality informational material, and product presentations with high-quality photos and videos, zoom functions, and attractive product descriptions. All these services offer the potential customer a positive brand and shopping experience, even before purchase. The emotional connection and the build-up of trust between manufacturer and customer significantly contribute to brand identification and formation. Fig. 2.: Guitar manufacturer Fender (FMIC) showcases information and image material with a zoom function on the website and provides information about delivery times. A second important point and benefit that results from good branding and the resulting customer contact is the direct customer feedback that can be generated. Manufacturers finally have the opportunity to get to know their customers personally, understand their needs better, and use this valuable information not only for product improvements but also for additional services. This can sustainably improve the entire purchasing experience and strengthen the bond between manufacturer and customer. Targeted marketing further supports this process. The effect of approaching the customer also shows in product development: Manufacturers can immediately respond to customer wishes through close customer contact. Specific and personalized products are often the result, which in turn can lead to an even better reputation for your company. Fig. 3.: Example of product customization for customers of the pacifier brand "NUK". Individual design strengthens customer loyalty and builds customer proximity. When Partners Become Competitors Whether and to what extent vertical integration can be advanced depends heavily on the industry and the dealer network in which you distribute your products. As mentioned earlier, shifts in power relations occur not only between the retailers themselves but also between manufacturers and retailers. Where once distribution happened through wholesalers, today it's often the case that e-commerce shops compete not only directly with other brands on the page but across the entire internet. This potential loss of revenue for manufacturers entices companies to start direct sales to withstand the enormous competitive pressure. But caution, acting too quickly can be fatal. It should not be forgotten that at this point in time, dealers through long-term customer relationships, customer contact, and sales experience know the needs of buyers very well - manufacturers are initially often in a worse position. Therefore, it is urgently advised to openly disclose and discuss the steps of vertical integration with distribution partners, especially when considering setting up your own shop, so that the dealer network is not undermined and collapses. Also, due to the varying budgets of individual dealers, a sole takeover of direct sales by the manufacturer is generally not advisable. The establishment of direct sales and thus the positioning as a competitor of distribution partners should therefore be well planned and only occur when there is sufficient end-customer contact and brand building. Many manufacturers do not want to enter direct sales during vertical integration as such but instead offer specially manufactured product lines or brands in online shops that can be acquired exclusively. Fig. 4: Chocolate manufacturer Lindt & Sprüngli AG offers limited editions online in its webshop and thus becomes a seller in direct sales.[/caption] Next to selling selected bestsellers or limited editions, another option is presenting the products with the retailer search option. Here, the manufacturer assists the retailer in gaining customers. The outcome: The main focus here is not on building an e-commerce shop but on brand building and creating a close customer relationship. This brings advantages not only to manufacturers but also to individual retailers. Fig. 5: Calendar manufacturer "paperblanks" offers on its website not only the opportunity to purchase individual products online but also retailer search for further products. The technology manufacturer "Fujitsu Limited" also offers on its website the possibility to get more information about products and provides customer contact for this purpose. As a manufacturer, Fujitsu knows its products best; however, distribution continues externally through partners. On the website, the customer has the opportunity to receive accurate and targeted advice. Fig. 6: Fujitsu guides interested customers to the product through product descriptions and storytelling, demonstrating the company's understanding of customer needs. Through product videos, storytelling on the product page is further deepened. Also, the customer has all necessary information bundled at a glance, such as product awards, partner search, customer service number, and technical details. Upon the following visit to the retailer, the purchase decision is likely to be influenced by a buying intention for the Fujitsu Limited brand. Fig. 7: Elements of the website that are customer-focused. In the meantime, one must not forget that power relations shift mutually between manufacturer and retailer. Vertical integration doesn't only originate from the manufacturer's side; it can also be initiated by the retailer. Two scenarios arise from this: 1. Manufacturer as Retailer As just presented, manufacturers increasingly take on the functions of retailers, potentially distributing individual product lines through direct sales. 2. Retailer as Manufacturer But retailers also use their gathered knowledge about sold products and customer profiles. No one knows their customers better than the retailer: Through years of customer service and building trust in services, retailers and their networks possess unique information. They know customer preferences and behaviors and are now increasingly using this knowledge for themselves: They start developing their own brands and branding strategies, leading to new products. These then compete directly with established brands. Fig. 8: A small selection of the established private labels of the drugstore chain dm – drogerie markt GmbH & Co. KG, which the group has built up over the years. The adapted product articles and brands cause a stir among some established manufacturing companies as they may feel bypassed, following the motto: "We develop products, and you use your reach to bring cheaper yet similar products to market." However, this is rarely the case, as private labels undertake and support their own product developments. Ultimately, it is up to both manufacturers and retailers to develop new branding and marketing strategies, use them, and work together symbiotically instead of against one another. What This Has to Do with Online Marketing Specifically As already mentioned, users increasingly inform themselves before purchase or directly in-store via smartphones on manufacturers' websites about products and look for reviews and recommendations. Simultaneously, in the omnichannel marketing approach, in-store visits are becoming increasingly important in the online presence to support customers in their purchasing decisions and bind them to themselves. A good concept and strategy in online marketing that consider all these factors help companies engage directly with customers with comprehensive information and options such as good services and confident appearances, convincing them of their offerings. The introduction of online shops or a B2C website helps secure its place amidst the competition in the long run. Maintaining customer relationships on the company's own website allows customers to be analyzed through web analytics, providing essential insights for product development and identifying potential opportunities. If you decide to choose online advertising, like Google Ads, there are some points to consider. How are keyword prices developing for specific generic products? Can I keep up with my budget here? As a smaller company, it is advisable to start with specific products like top sellers and resort to long-tail keywords to optimally invest the existing budget and secure good positions. Online marketing deliberately intervenes in the users' customer life journey. This must be thoughtfully planned, implemented, and developed long-term to secure customer loyalty. A good marketing strategy for vertical integration propels the company forward, while a poor strategy can have the opposite effect. An important factor in vertical integration is the expansion of reach. Customer bases can be expanded through perfectly coordinated branding strategies in online marketing. Due to the increasing digitization of the market, online marketing, in particular, is becoming an important component, because: Online trade grows by about 10% annually. Take advantage of this development for yourself! Branding Strategy or Performance Focus: How Can I Participate in the Process? Depending on the starting position, different strategies arise. Are you still at the beginning of your online presence, and do you want to increase your reach? Or do you already have an online shop? 1. Pure Product Manufacturers For product manufacturers who do not yet have an online presence, building a user-friendly website is recommended. Together with the right branding strategy in online marketing, your brand can be further developed, and reach expanded. In the course of this, an online direct distribution can be set up. 2. Manufacturers with Direct Sales Seeking Market Entry Manufacturers with their own direct sales are also looking for new markets. How can you attract more customers with your direct sales and acquire new customers? How can you bring your offering closer to additional potential customers and advance your company? Through retailer networks and targeted use of the right marketing strategy and advertising opportunities, market entry into new target groups can be successful. 3. Manufacturers with Customer Contact and Sales: Process Optimization and Expansion of Online Commerce If your company is already known to customers not only as a brand and manufacturer but also in direct sales and as a dealer, the right marketing strategies help optimize processes and further expand online commerce. Many factors must be considered, and with the use of the latest techniques and advertising opportunities, new possibilities arise continuously to strengthen one's position and offer users a unique experience. New strategies not only help increase sales but also reveal new potentials. Different Industries, Different Customs In the vertical integration of markets, much depends on the industry one operates in. While some industries are already established in online business, others are only gradually catching up step by step. With fashion and electronics brands firmly established in online business with almost 50% market share in online sales, the healthcare industry is slowly catching up with a share of 6.2%. In every market entry, legal fundamentals and hurdles must naturally always be checked, which in some industries must first be overcome. The potential exists in all industries, and the market is not saturated. Fig. 9: Apple Inc. offers special educational discounts on the website and utilizes this as a USP for its own online shop.[/caption] Especially in high-turnover industries, the direct sales of large companies are usually tolerated by retailers. A good example is the technology company and giant Apple Inc., which can particularly position itself well in its own shop with special discounts like educational discounts. While some dealers might remove (individual) products from distribution in the case of vertical integration of less known brands in case of poor communication between manufacturer and dealer, direct sales are tolerated in the case of prominent companies. Therefore, strong ties and open communication between manufacturer and dealer are extremely important. Fig. 10: Technology manufacturer Apple Inc. offers products directly for purchase on its website. Apple directly engages with the customer and understands their needs: a particularly user-friendly and short funnel simplifies the purchase. There are numerous ways to reposition and expand your company through vertical integration. New strategies, current techniques, and offers in online marketing significantly help achieve these goals. Utilize vertical integration for yourself as well! Internetwarriors GmbH – Your Partner with Expertise and Industry-Specific Solutions Internetwarriors GmbH specializes in individual customer solutions for online trading. Whether you are in the process of building a brand, exploring new markets, or want to increase your revenue with online marketing - we offer a solution tailored personally to you. Our years of industry experience help us find the right strategy for you and your digital business model. We look forward to your inquiry .

E-Commerce Berlin Expo 2019: Not without the internet warriors!

Feb 22, 2019




Inside Internet Warriors

[object Object] Fig. 1: The internetwarriors GmbH at the E-Commerce Berlin Expo 2019. Is the E-Commerce Expo in Berlin soon becoming the new DMEXCO (at least in Berlin 😉)? Looking at the growth in exhibitor and visitor numbers, the E-Commerce Expo Berlin is indeed on a great path. CONTACT US NOW Few sectors are more progressive than E-Commerce, whose B2C revenue increases by about 10 percent annually. With expected revenues in 2019 of up to 58.5 billion euros, online retail is a booming business. No wonder more and more companies, start-ups, and providers are being developed, founded, and established in E-Commerce, relying on online trade. To keep exchanging ideas and develop new strategies, numerous professionals gathered again this year at the E-Commerce Expo "Expo Berlin". We, at internetwarriors GmbH, a successful online marketing agency, obviously couldn't miss it. Over 150 Exhibitors: Growing Demand. This year's Expo Berlin provided significantly more space and opportunities for exhibitors and visitors to stay updated on the latest in online marketing and discuss developments and trends. Over 150 exhibitors and more than 5,000 visitors attended the expo to further expand online trade. This year, the expo was also expanded to two halls. Four stages offered plenty of space for many interesting presentations, held by established speakers from companies like Zalando, Google Inc., idealo Internet GmbH, and Facebook Inc. For instance, "Aircall" founder Jonathan Anguelov and "CrossEngage" founder Markus Wuebben gave presentations on current omnichannel strategies , while Swatch Group SA's Digital Marketing Manager Nuno Batista shared successful practices using artificial intelligence in online retail . COO Christoph von Bülow from HolidayPirates GmbH, in contrast, spoke about brand building in social media marketing . The generous networking zone between the stands could be used for individual talks after presentations. To mix things up, a DJ booth with trendy music and coffee for in-between talks was available between the halls. [caption id="attachment_23431" align="aligncenter" width="1024"] Fig. 2: Our set-up booth B3.2. of the internetwarriors with balloons at the E-Commerce Expo Berlin.[/caption] Our booth B3.2. was located in Hall 1 of Station Berlin and attracted many interested parties. We were pleased to see numerous new as well as established e-commerce retailers interested in our services and years of experience. Online Marketing at the Expo: Supply and Demand Most exhibitors were not only online retailers but also software providers for payment systems, logistics, or analytics. Among them were exhibitors from the communications and customer service sector, as well as e-shop platforms. The mix of all relevant e-commerce topics made the Expo once again one of the most important meeting places for members of online trade looking for new solutions and offers. As a specialist in E-Commerce and a highly qualified Google Premier Partner , internetwarriors GmbH was able to answer questions from interested parties quickly and explain fundamental possibilities in online marketing. Because: What good is well-developed infrastructure, a customer-friendly platform, and an optimized payment system if there's no traffic? This is where we come in as your competent partner with years of experience, guiding you through the market introduction process and developing new strategies to expand and strengthen your market position. No matter if you are an established market leader or just starting out: New strategies in online marketing always lead to optimized results and advantages. We help you achieve your business goals, tailored individually to you and your company's needs. [object Object] Fig. 3: Part of our team at the E-Commerce Expo advising stand visitors from the entire e-commerce sector.[/caption] As a knowledgeable team and Google Premium Partner Award finalist, we are well-versed in online marketing strategies. Individual and personal consultation is important to us, which is why meeting new people at the expo is particularly important. Here we have the opportunity to present options and go over possibilities in a personal conversation. We address each client specifically and find the best solution for you. We'd also be happy to discuss your goals and strategies over the phone. What We Can Do for You as an E-Commerce Specialist Are you just starting with your brand and business and need help with brand building? Do you already own an e-commerce company, but are still looking for the right strategy and proper consultation? No problem! We offer support not only in business development but also in online marketing strategies with our years of experience. Together, we ensure that your e-commerce is correctly set up and easily reachable online for your target audience. Secure important market shares with us and contribute to the growth of online trade. We look forward to your inquiry .

Responsive Search Ads: Text Ads Enhanced by AI

Sep 27, 2018





Responsive Search Network Ads, commonly known in English as “Responsive Search Ads” ” and often abbreviated as “RSA” , are Google's latest innovation for search ads . Responsive Search Ads are an ad type that is optimized by Google through automatic optimization involving Artificial Intelligence (AI) to deliver custom-tailored and relevant results to users. These new ads aim to sustainably enhance both the advertiser's performance and the user experience. In May 2018, Google Inc. introduced its newest form of text ad. Currently, they are still in the BETA version on the Google Ads platform, but RSAs are expected to be available to all Google Ads users by the end of the year at the latest. For now, this new ad format is only accessible to selected advertisers. Additionally, Responsive Search Network Ads are available in the latest version of the Google Ads Editor. What are Responsive Search Ads? The differences between Responsive Search Ads and traditional Expanded Text Ads (ETA) can already be seen in their structure. Instead of fixed text ads, RSAs are made up of individual text components. These are then algorithmically assembled by Google during successful delivery to create a customized search ad. Fig. 1: Example of a classic Expanded Text Ad. Fig. 2: Example of the structure of a Responsive Search Ad As before, Responsive Search Ads consist of headlines and descriptions. The difference, however, lies in their number and length. Instead of two, there are now up to 15 headlines each with 30 characters. There are up to four descriptions (previously only two!), which can even be up to 90 characters instead of 80. This innovation gives advertisers more freedom in designing their ads. Another innovation is the free combination of individual text components. In RSAs, Google Ads recombines the headlines each time and delivers them with a new version of bundled descriptions. In Expanded Text Ads, these are always fixed and delivered as a static, pre-crafted ad by the advertiser. This new concept entails a restructuring of existing ad texts and should definitely be considered by the creator. Why the integration of Artificial Intelligence in ad formats is so important The enormous potential that Artificial Intelligence brings not only to marketing has become indispensable for Google Ads. Through machine learning, ads are not only more personalized and relevant for the user, but also convince with higher quality and an optimal user experience. Machine learning helps to optimally tailor ads to users after a short learning phase, offering ads that suit their interests individually. This allows better targeting of different audiences and optimal, individual targeting. With the help of Artificial Intelligence, creativity can be combined with efficiency to provide a better advertising experience for the user. This effect can generate up to 15% more clicks, ultimately directly benefiting the advertiser. Artificial Intelligence thus offers advantages not only in terms of individualization to users. Advertisers benefit in the form of financial advantages (e.g., better budget planning, lower CPCs), with a clear focus on improving customer retention. How do Responsive Search Ads work? In Responsive Search Ads, the previously created headlines and descriptions are automatically combined by Google. This way, user-tailored variants can be offered and the best modification delivered. Therefore, the process is considered very user-friendly. During creation, up to three of the 15 pre-made headlines are selected, and afterward, two of the four descriptions are displayed in sequence. This process increases the number of over 43,000 possible combinations significantly, increasing the delivery probability. Fig. 3: Division of headlines and descriptions in the new Responsive Search Ads format Good to know: What to consider when using Responsive Search Ads Unfortunately, RSAs are still not usable by all advertisers and are still in the BETA phase. However, it can be assumed that these will be made accessible to all advertisers by the end of the year. It also means that BETA version users should always thoroughly check performance, as data for performance improvement still needs to be collected. The basic idea of RSA is to offer users AI-adapted ads based on their previous user behavior to sustainably enhance their user experience. On the other hand, not the entire ad scope is delivered, especially for better visibility on mobile devices or frequently searched results pages (SERP). Fig.4 : Example of an RSA in mobile preview Even when not all headlines and descriptions are delivered under all circumstances, essential parts of an ad, like a call-to-action, should be present in all delivery options to ensure high ad quality. To achieve this, it is possible to pin headlines and descriptions. This can be done both on the Google Ads interface and in the Google Ads Editor to set the order of headlines and descriptions. These are then always played at this position, allowing a small form of control by the advertiser. Fig. 5: View of creating Responsive Search Ads in the Google Ads Editor with the option to pin However, pinning also prevents gaining new important delivery insights. Through Google's ad delivery, for example, popular and interesting text components can be filtered out, particularly appealing to the user, which can later also be included in ETAs. Pinning one headline can also lead to a reduction in testing possibilities by 75%, while pinning two titles can result in a 99% reduction, significantly limiting the machine learning capabilities on which RSAs are ultimately based. With too many pins, data losses that could contribute to performance improvement must be expected. In the end, Google's recommendation should be followed to run Responsive Search Ads alongside Expanded Text Ads (ETAs) and see them more as an addition. It is best to use one RSA and at least one, preferably three ETAs per ad group. Checking RSAs: The Google “Ad Strength” Indicator Since early September, Google Ads has gradually introduced the “Ad Strength” indicator to evaluate Responsive Search Network Ads and better assess expected results. This is done by an evaluation through factors like relevance, delivery quantity, and text component variety. Unlike the quality factor, which is based on a numerical rating of 1 to 10, a scale from “poor” to “excellent” is used for evaluation. Additionally, RSA previews will soon be possible on the Google Ads interface, to better understand the user's perspective and make optimizations. Fig. 6: The Google Ad-Strength Indicator can help improve the quality of RSA ads What are our tips? Discover best practices here To make the best use of Responsive Search Ads, we’ve compiled a list of tips and best practices for you. We recommend setting up at least five instead of the required three headlines. They should differ in their quality through diversity. Additionally, a keyword should be included in two of these titles. Try out different lengths of headlines! Don’t always use the full length, as this might overwhelm the reader. Pay attention to different content in descriptions, as there is a chance that when combining descriptions, duplicate information may appear, diminishing the user experience. Better ensure different statements in descriptions to guarantee delivery compatible with other description alternatives. Redundant information in ads leads to system restrictions in Google and, in the worst case, will not be played anymore. Focus on various USPs to persuade customers with diverse advantages. Thanks to their length, Responsive Search Ads have a large visual scope upon delivery. As a result, more of the user's attention is drawn to the ad. Use this attention to your advantage! Be careful when dealing with call-to-actions in descriptions. Too many special characters like exclamation marks can endanger delivery. Also, too many prompts in the ad can intimidate the user as a buyer or someone interested in your ad. For more guidelines and instructions on creating Responsive Search Network Ads, visit the  Google Ads Support Page . And what does it look like in practice? In practice, it quickly becomes apparent that RSAs need time to play in and deliver suitable data to users. Once there is a learning effect through AI in delivery, important KPIs develop significantly in a positive direction, and costs per individual conversion can sustainably decrease. Furthermore, it can be observed that the bounce rate decreases with RSAs. A greater number of user-relevant information displayed in RSAs helps the user decide on a follow-up click on the ad. As a result, a longer session duration can be expected, as the user is more conscious when choosing the ad. As mentioned previously, RSAs should definitely be used in parallel with ETAs to recognize and evaluate developments. Google also plans to soon introduce a format for Responsive Display Ads to apply the concept to the Google Display Network as well. Currently, RSAs are only available to selected customers and in the BETA version. We have also successfully tested RSAs with our clients and noted differences from ETAs. For example, despite the short use of RSAs, we can also record an increase in CTR by 5-15% caused by RSAs. Conclusion: Ad optimizations through Artificial Intelligence: The Google trend is now more evident than ever in Responsive Search Ads. The extensive potential of these ads combined with Expanded Text Ads helps advertisers better reach their audience and enhance their online experience. What can we do for you? Looking for support with ad optimization? We are happy to advise you on the topic of text ad delivery and your options. We look forward to your inquiry .

Kanal-Diversifizierung im Online Marketing

Mar 4, 2025





Beitragsbanner zum Thema Kanal-Diversizierung im Online Marketing

Wer alles auf eine Karte setzt, hat entweder sehr viel Glück oder verliert schnell mal einen ganzen Haufen Geld. Gleiches gilt auch im Online Marketing. Nur einen Kanal zu bespielen, ermöglicht zwar, seine Aufmerksamkeit nur darauf zu fokussieren, birgt aber auch erhebliche Risiken . Denn kommt es auf diesem Kanal zu einem Problem, ist in Windeseile das ganze Outbound Marketing aus. Wer sich also bei der Kundenakquise ausschließlich darauf verlässt, kommt schnell mal in die Bredouille. Genau deswegen ist es sinnvoll, seine Marketingstrategie durch Kanal-Diversifizierung aufzufächern. Neben der Risikoverminderung bei Ausfällen kommen noch weitere Vorteile hinzu, wie etwa: Mehr Reichweite - bestimmte Zielgruppen bevorzugen bestimmte Kanäle. Durch Diversifizierung können mehr Nutzer, und damit auch potenzielle Neukunden angesprochen werden. Höhere Brand Awareness - Eine einheitliche Message über mehrere Kanäle hinweg stärkt die Brand-Identität und erhöht die Sichtbarkeit. Mehr Data-Driven Insights - Verschiedene Kanäle geben jeweils einen einzigartigen Blick auf die Daten und ermöglichen so zusätzliche Erkenntnisse, die dabei helfen, fundiertere Entscheidungen zu treffen. Besseres Customer Engagement - Durch Interaktionen mit Nutzern auf mehreren Kanälen etablieren sich potenziell persönlichere Interaktionen und somit eine stärkere Bindung zum Unternehmen. Potenziell höherer ROI - Datengetriebene Entscheidungen über mehrere Kanäle hinweg führen häufig auch zu einer Steigerung der Effizienz von Online Marketing Maßnahmen und somit zu einem höheren Gewinn. Auswahl geeigneter Kanäle Welchen Kanal wir für die Diversifizierung in Betracht ziehen sollten, hängt meist davon ab, welches Ziel wir damit erreichen wollen. Wo sehen wir die größten Potenziale , die beste Chance uns als Marke zu positionieren oder vielleicht auch sogenannte “low hanging fruits”? Gibt es Kanäle, auf denen bisher noch kaum Mitbewerber unterwegs sind? Eine Möglichkeit, die geeignetsten Kanäle auszuwählen, ist sich am klassichen Marketingfunnel zu orientieren - abhängig davon in welchem Schritt die Zielgruppe sich befindet und welche Conversion-Aktionen wir besonders bewerben wollen. Es ist ebenfalls ratsam, regelmäßig zu überprüfen, ob die aktuelle Zielgruppendefinition noch akurat ist oder angepasst werden muss. Denn Anforderungen, Bedürfnisse und Suchverhalten können sich im Laufe der Zeit ändern . So können wir einen potenziellen Wandel in der Zielgruppe beobachten und entsprechend reagieren. In manchen Fällen unterscheidet sich die im Vorfeld definierte Zielgruppe auch von der tatsächlichen, die wir erreichen und die bei uns konvertiert. Wie dabei der optimale Kunde aussieht, ergibt sich aus verschiedenen Faktoren, wie beispielsweise: Demografischen Daten (Alter, Geschlecht, Standort, Familienstatus …) Interessen Kaufverhalten/Kaufkraft Lifestyle … Hier gilt es, weitere Potenziale zu entdecken und bestehende zu erweitern. Möglicherweise gibt es auch Nischenzielgruppen , die für uns eine hohe Relevanz haben. Der Vorteil dabei: In der Regel ist die Konkurrenz niedriger, was zu geringeren Kosten bei der Neukundenakquise führen kann. Identifizieren wir die Pain Points der Zielgruppen, können wir auch das Messaging der Kampagnen und Creatives genau daran anpassen . Das sorgt mitunter für mehr Relevanz, höhere Interaktion und im Bestfall für einen besseren ROI. An Regeln halten Wie wir also feststellen, ist die Kanal-Diversifizierung enorm wichtig im Marketing. Allerdings sollten wir dabei zwei Regeln beachten: Eine Diversifizierung der Kanäle sollte immer wohlüberlegt sein, und nicht nur um der Sache Willen geschehen . Wer sofort auf mehrere verschiedene Plattformen expandiert, läuft Gefahr, überfordert zu sein und den Nuancen der jeweiligen Kanäle nicht gerecht zu werden. Das wiederum kann schnell zu unerwünschten Ergebnissen führen, wodurch die Kanäle im Zweifel wieder abgeschaltet werden, ohne ihr volles Potenzial ausgeschöpft zu haben. Ebenso ist es wichtig, dem Kanal ausreichend Zeit einzuräumen . In den seltensten Fällen gelingt direkt der erste Wurf, und Anpassungen und Optimierungen entlang des Weges sind unabdinglich. Erst wenn wir mehrere Optimierungszyklen durchlaufen und ausreichend Daten gesammelt haben, können wir die Performance des Kanals fair bewerten und so sinnvolle Entscheidungen treffen. Selbstverständlich erfordert auch eine Kanal-Diversifizierung ein gewisses Investment. Wie oben bereits erwähnt hängt es von vielen Faktoren ab, wie viele und welche Kanäle für eine Diversifizierung in Frage kommen. Zusätzlich unterscheiden sich diese auch ganz individuell von Unternehmen zu Unternehmen und sollten deshalb im Vorfeld gut geprüft und überlegt werden. Gehen wir die Sache allerdings richtig an, kann sich das in vielen Fällen mehr als auszahlen. Vielen Dank für deine Aufmerksamkeit! Hoffentlich war es aufschlussreich, und du konntest etwas davon für dich mitnehmen! Im dritten Teil unserer Miniserie beschäftigen wir uns näher mit dem Thema Contextual Advertising . Unseren vorherigen Post zum Thema Business-Ziele findest du hier . Haben wir etwas Wichtiges vergessen, oder hast du noch Fragen zum Thema? Dann schreib’ es uns gerne in die Kommentare! Falls du dich direkt in Verbindung mit uns setzen willst, schau gerne mal bei unserem Kontaktformular vorbei. Wir helfen dir dabei, die für dein Unternehmen richtigen Marketingkanäle zu finden, damit du das Maximum aus deiner Online Marketing Strategie holen kannst - ganz einfach und unverbindlich!

Automation im Marketing: Auf Ziele optimieren

Mar 4, 2025





Beitragsbanner zum Thema Automation im Marketing.

Ende 2024 nutzte im Schnitt schon jedes fünfte Unternehmen regelmäßig künstliche Intelligenz (KI) . Bei Großunternehmen mit mehr als 250 Beschäftigten waren es sogar 48%. KI und weitere Automatismen (wie beispielsweise Machine Learning ) betreffen so gut wie alle Aspekte des Alltags, und machen auch vor dem Online Marketing nicht Halt. Dabei greifen sie gerne mal stark in den Berufsalltag ein, und lassen den einen oder anderen Marketeer daran zweifeln, ob der eigene Beruf überhaupt noch Zukunft hat, oder bald komplett durch KI ersetzt wird. Aber ist diese Befürchtung überhaupt gerechtfertigt? Oder gibt es vielleicht doch Möglichkeiten, wie man auch in Zeiten der Automation noch aktiv in seine Marketingstrategie eingreifen kann? Wie das geht, zeigen wir dir in unserer Blog-Serie “5 Tipps, wie die eigene Online Marketing Strategie auch in Zeiten der Automation noch relevant bleibt” . Wo Automation im Online Marketing schon Verwendung findet Von allen Branchen ist Marketing weltweit wahrscheinlich einer der größten Vorreiter in Bezug auf die Nutzung von KI und Automation im Berufsalltag. Laut einer Studie von Hubspot aus dem Jahr 2024 gaben 74% der Marketer an , in ihrem Beruf schon aktiv KI in irgendeiner Form zu verwenden. 2023 lag diese Zahl noch bei 21%. Das ist ein Anstieg von ~250% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr und zeigt, wie sehr KI speziell das Online Marketing prägt. Dabei reicht die Nutzung von Datenanalysen über Recherchearbeiten bis hin zu Content Creation, wie etwa der Erstellung von Bildern oder Texten für Blogeinträge (dieser hier ist aber zu 100% aus Menschenhand, großes AndroidenPfadfinderehrenwort). Doch auch in Tools, die Marketer in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten verwendet haben, finden immer mehr KI-Features Einzug . Das geht so weit, dass beispielsweise in Google Ads oder Meta Ads schon ganze Kampagnentypen fast vollständig mit Automatisierung laufen. Laut Google, Meta und weiteren Werbeplattformen. sollen diese Kampagnentypen (Performance Max, Advantage+, Accelerate Campaigns, etc.) dabei helfen, schneller, einfacher und mit weniger Aufwand Accounts zu skalieren, durch die Power von KI günstiger relevanten Traffic zu generieren und bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen, indem sie Vorarbeiten und Setup-Aufwände teils drastisch reduzieren, weniger operative Pflege benötigen und insgesamt eine personalisiertere Ansprache ermöglichen. Dass dies nicht immer der Realität entspricht, ist mittlerweile hinreichend bekannt und zeigt sich vor allem dann, wenn die Performance der Kampagnen plötzlich schwächelt. In solchen Situationen offenbaren sich die “Schattenseiten” der Automatisierung , denn mehr Automation bedeutet gleichzeitig auch mehr Blackbox weniger Einstellungsmöglichkeiten, sowie eine Abkehr von den “klassischen” Optimierungsmaßnahmen. Was also tun, wenn unsere Kampagnen unter den Erwartungen bleiben, und wir die begrenzten Möglichkeiten der Tools selbst schon ausgeschöft haben? Ganz einfach, es müssen weitere Optimierungsmaßnahmen her! In unserer Blog-Serie zeigen wir dir 5 Tipps, wie die eigene Online Marketing Strategie auch in Zeiten der Automation noch relevant bleibt . #1 Auf Business-Ziele optimieren Wann hast du eigentlich das letzte Mal deine Business-Ziele definiert und/oder angepasst ? Wenn du jetzt länger darüber nachdenken musst, wird es vermutlich mal wieder dringend Zeit. Denn diese können sich im Laufe der Zeit ändern, bedingt durch Veränderungen im eigenen Unternehmen, oder anderen, externen Faktoren, wie etwa eine sich ändernde Wirtschaftslage, höherer Konkurrenzdruck oder andere unvorhersehbare Gegebenheiten. Doch wie wählt man eigentlich die richtigen Geschäftsziele aus? Für die Definition der eigenen Geschäftsziele gibt es unterschiedliche Ansätze. Besonders verbreitet und populär ist die Verwendung von sogenannten SMART-Goals . Das Akronym steht hierbei für S pecific M easurable A chievable R elevant T ime-bound. Kurz zusammengefasst bedeutet das, wir sollten uns überlegen, welche Ziele wir genau erreichen wollen und wie wir den (Miss-)Erfolg messen können. Die Ziele sollten immer realistisch und damit erreichbar sein und eine hohe Relevanz für uns haben. Zum Abschluss sollte es eine Deadline geben, bis zu der die Ziele erreicht werden sollen, sowie im Optimalfall auch Kontrollpunkte dazwischen, um den Fortschritt zu überprüfen und bei Bedarf weitere Maßnahmen einzuleiten. Dabei ist die Wahl der richtigen Conversions gar nicht so einfach, denn nicht jede mögliche Aktion auf der Webseite ist für uns von gleichwertiger Bedeutung. Die folgenden vier Fragen können dabei helfen, die relevantesten Conversions zu identifizieren. Welche Conversions sollen ausgelöst werden? Zunächst stellt sich die Frage, welche Aktion(en) die optimalen Nutzer*innen auslösen sollen. Je nach Marketing-Strategie kann das beispielsweise der Download eines PDFs, eine Kontaktanfrage oder auch der klassische Kauf sein . Möglicherweise haben wir auch schon einen eigenen Funnel, der bei der Weiterqualifizierung hilft. Lassen sich Conversionwerte beziffern? Der einfachste Fall ist hier mit Sicherheit der Kauf, da sich dort der Wert logischerweise aus dem verkaufen Produkt errechnet. Was aber, wenn wir eine Dienstleistung anbieten, die nicht pauschal auf einen Wert festzulegen ist? In diesem Fall können wir versuchen, den Wert anderweitig zu ermitteln. Die Intention der Vergabe von Werten für Conversions begründet sich darin, dass es damit zum einen leichter fällt, einen ROI zu berechnen, und zum anderen den Werbeplattformen spezifische Signale zur Bedeutung der Conversions gibt, auf die dann etwaige Gebotsstrategien (bspw. Ziel-ROAS) optimieren können. Gibt es Unterschiede bei Upselling / CLTV? Haben wir Produkte, die häufig in Kombination mit anderen Produkten gekauft werden, bietet sich hier die Möglichkeit, per Cross-/Upselling den durchschnittlichen Conversion-Wert zu erhöhen. Deshalb kann es auch von Vorteil sein, solche Produkte oder Dienstleistungen besonders stark zu bewerben, selbst wenn der initiale Wert niedriger ist als bei anderen. Produkte, die in der Regel wiederholt gekauft werden oder zu weiterführenden Käufen führen, erhöhen zusätzlich den Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) . Gibt es Einstiegshürden / typische Probleme? Möglicherweise ist für viele Nutzer das Produkt zu teuer, oder sie finden nicht auf Anhieb was sie suchen. Vielleicht wissen sie auch noch nicht, dass wir Lösungen anbieten, die genau bei ihren Problemen helfen. Letzteres beobachten wir besonders häufig im B2B. Diese Faktoren könnten auch dafür sorgen, dass bestimmte Conversions seltener oder im Extremfall gar nicht ausgelöst werden, weil die initiale Hürde zu groß ist . Hier kann es von Vorteil sein, sich vorerst auf Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu fokussieren, die weniger erklärungsbedürftig, oder in der Preiskategorie etwas tiefer angesiedelt sind, um dann im Anschluss diese Personen weiterzuqualifizieren. Besonders im Ecommerce kann es sich besonders lohnen, in Google Ads & Co nicht nur auf einen reinen ROAS zu optimieren, sondern auch den Gewinn miteinzubeziehen , denn ROAS ist nicht gleich Gewinn! Von Haus aus können die Tools auch mithilfe von Automation keine Margen bei der Optimierung berücksichtigen, dazu fehlen den Maschinen schlicht und ergreifend die nötigen Informationen. Spielen wir diese Daten aber zusätzlich zurück, können wir dem Algorithmus einen Schubs in die richtige Richtung geben und so insgesamt die Performance steigern. Zwar kann der ROAS in den Konten dadurch sinken, solange sich aber der Gewinn erhöht, laufen die Kampagnen optimierter ausgerichtet auf unsere Business-Ziele . Zusätzlich sollten wir in regelmäßigen Abständen einen Abgleich zwischen den bestverkaufenden Produkten im Backend und denen in Google Ads, Meta, und dergleichen machen. Hier kann es nämlich zu signifikanten Unterschieden kommen, was uns die Möglichkeit gibt, bestimmte Produkte auf verschiedenen Kanälen unterschiedlich stark zu bewerben . Letztlich stellt sich auch immer die Frage: Sollen verstärkt Neukunden angesprochen werden, oder setzen wir vermehrt auf die Reaktivierung von Bestandskunden ? Beide Ziele sind valide, bringen aber unterschiedliche Vorgehensweisen bei der Bewerbung mit sich. Die Neukundenakquise kann bis zu 5x teurer sein , als Bestandskunden zu einem erneuten Kauf anzuregen. Dafür können wir so aber auch unser Kundenportfolio deutlich einfacher erweitern . Müssen wir mit einem stark limitierten Budget agieren, könnten wir aber auch gut beraten sein, hauptsächlich auf (dynamisches) Remarketing zu setzen, um so potenziell kostengünstiger Umsatz zu generieren. Berücksichtigen wir alle diese Punkte, fällt es uns anschließend deutlich einfacher, die richtigen Unternehmensziele zu identifizieren , uns darauf zu fokussieren und diese auch nachhaltig voranzutreiben. Und davon profitiert dann letztendlich auch das ganze Unternehmen. Vielen Dank für deine Aufmerksamkeit! Hoffentlich war es aufschlussreich, und du konntest etwas davon für dich mitnehmen! Im zweiten Teil unserer Miniserie beschäftigen wir uns näher mit dem Thema Kanal-Diversifizierung . Haben wir etwas Wichtiges vergessen, oder hast du noch Fragen zum Thema? Dann schreib’ es uns gerne in die Kommentare! Falls du dich direkt in Verbindung mit uns setzen willst, schau gerne mal bei unserem Kontaktformular vorbei. Wir helfen dir dabei, die für dein Unternehmen richtigen Marketingkanäle zu finden, damit du das Maximum aus deiner Online Marketing Strategie holen kannst - ganz einfach und unverbindlich!

KI Tools für performance Marketing

Feb 26, 2025




Artificial Intelligence

Beitragsbanner mit Hintergrundbild und Titel

Die Landschaft des digitalen Marketings hat sich in den letzten Jahren rasant entwickelt. Mit schnellen Fortschritten in der Datenerhebung, -analyse und Zielgruppenansprache stehen Marketer*innen vor einer wachsenden Nachfrage nach intelligenten, personalisierten Strategien. Die Datenmenge nimmt stetig zu, und die Notwendigkeit für schnelle, präzise Entscheidungen war noch nie so groß. Hier kommt Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ins Spiel – ein revolutionäres Werkzeug, das Effizienz, Genauigkeit und Kampagnenleistung erheblich steigert. Wir zeigen euch, wie wir KI nutzen, um unsere Arbeitsabläufe zu optimieren, Kunden- und Kundinnen-Insights zu verbessern und bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Die Rolle von KI im Performance Marketing KI spielt im Marketing mehrere Rollen – von der Datenanalyse und Erkennung von Kundenmustern bis hin zur Automatisierung von Prozessen und KI-gestützte Kampagnen. Durch die Integration von KI-basierten Tools erreichen wir: Schnellere und präzisere Datenanalyse Optimiertes und automatisiertes Kampagnenmanagement Verbesserte Zielgruppensegmentierung und Personalisierung Genaue Vorhersagen durch KI-gestützte Kampagnen Diese Vorteile führen zu mehr Effizienz, besseren Entscheidungen und letztendlich zu höheren Marketing Renditen. Verantwortungsvolle Anwendungsmöglichkeiten KI Bevor wir uns konkreten Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von KI widmen, sind zwei Grundprinzipien zu beachten: Datenschutz & Sicherheit – Wir geben keine Kund:innendaten an KI-Tools weiter, um die Einhaltung von Datenschutzbestimmungen zu gewährleisten. Qualitätskontrolle – KI kann qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse liefern, aber wir überprüfen und optimieren diese stets, um Fehler und Unstimmigkeiten zu vermeiden. Nun sehen wir uns die praktischen Einsatzgebiete von KI im Performance Marketing an. 1. KI-gestützte Marktforschung Ein tiefgehendes Verständnis des Marktes ist entscheidend für eine erfolgreiche Kampagnenplanung. Bei neuen Kund:innen oder Projekten starten wir mit einer umfassenden Marktforschung. Neben klassischen Kund*innenbriefings, die Informationen über das Unternehmen, Produkte, den Markt und Mitbewerber*innen enthalten, nutzen wir KI-gestützte Tools wie ChatGPT und Gemini, um eine zusätzliche Marktanalyse zu erstellen. Dies hilft uns: Potenzielle Lücken in der Erforschung zu identifizieren Neue Perspektiven auf das Kundenverhalten zu gewinnen Datengetriebene Annahmen zu validieren Ein Beispiel: Wir geben die URL einer Kund*innenwebsite ein und lassen KI eine Zusammenfassung des Unternehmens, der Wettbewerber:innen und der Markttrends erstellen. Dieses Ergebnis wird mit unseren internen Analysen abgeglichen, um seine Genauigkeit zu gewährleisten. 2. Entwicklung von Marketingstrategien KI verbessert maßgeblich die Entwicklung und Verfeinerung von Marketingstrategien. Wir nutzen KI insbesondere für: Detaillierte Zielgruppenanalyse & Segmentierung – KI hilft uns, Zielgruppen basierend auf Interessen, Verhalten und demografischen Merkmalen zu gruppieren, um gezieltere Kampagnen zu gestalten. Persona-Entwicklung – Durch KI-gestützte Analysen können wir detaillierte Kundenprofile erstellen und Marketingbotschaften personalisieren. Predictive Marketing & Analytics – KI-Modelle analysieren historische Daten, um zukünftige Entwicklungen vorherzusagen, sodass wir Strategien proaktiv anpassen können. Wir arbeiten aktuell an der internen Entwicklung eines KITools für Unternehmen, das Daten aus Google Ads, META und GA4 integriert, um Conversion-Raten vorherzusagen und Budgets optimal zu verteilen. 3. Content-Erstellung Content ist das Herzstück jeder Marketingkampagne, und KI erleichtert kreative Prozesse erheblich. Keyword-Recherche & Anzeigentexte KI-basierte Tools wie ChatGPT und Copy.ai helfen uns, relevante Keywords für die Kampagnen zu generieren. Diese Tools unterstützen uns beim Verfassen von Anzeigen, sodass sie den Best Practices entsprechen und die Markenstimme beibehalten wird. Erstellung kreativer Inhalte KI-gestützte Design-Tools wie Canva AI und Adcreative.ai ermöglichen die schnelle Erstellung von Bannern und Visuals. Einige Werbeplattformen, darunter Google Ads und META, integrieren bereits KI-generierte kreative Elemente direkt in ihre Kampagnentools. Obwohl KI die Content-Erstellung beschleunigt, überprüfen und optimieren wir stets alle Inhalte, um Konsistenz und Qualität sicherzustellen. 4. Kampagnenoptimierung & -management Über Strategie und Content hinaus spielt KI eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Optimierung laufender Kampagnen. Wir haben KI-gestützte Skripte und Tools entwickelt, um: Automatische Budgetanpassungen vorzunehmen – Ein von uns entwickeltes Skript hilft, Budgets dynamisch basierend auf der Performance zu verteilen. Zum Beispiel: Brand-Kampagnen mit einer CTR oder Conversion-Rate über 10 % erhalten 20 % des neuen Budgets. Erfolgreiche Non-Brand-Kampagnen erhalten 60 % des Budgets. Schwächer performende Kampagnen erhalten die verbleibenden 20 %. Performance-Prognosen zu erstellen – KI-gestützte Vorhersagemodelle helfen uns, zukünftige Trends zu erkennen. Durch die Analyse historischer Daten können wir abschätzen, wie Kampagnen in den nächsten 60 Tagen abschneiden werden. Diese KI-basierten Tools ermöglichen eine schnellere und genauere Kampagnenoptimierung als herkömmliche manuelle Methoden. Fazit: KI revolutioniert weiterhin das digitale Marketing und hilft Unternehmen, mit der steigenden Komplexität datengetriebener Kampagnen Schritt zu halten. Trotz aller Vorteile müssen Datenschutz und die Qualität der generierten Inhalte stets gewährleistet sein. Durch die Integration von KI in Marktforschung, Strategieentwicklung, Content-Erstellung und Kampagnenmanagement steigern wir unsere Effizienz und erzielen bessere Ergebnisse. Doch KI ersetzt keine menschliche Expertise – sie ergänzt sie, indem sie uns intelligenter arbeiten lässt. Interessiert an den Möglichkeiten von KI für Ihr Unternehmen? Kontaktieren Sie uns für individuelle Lösungen und lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Ihre Marketingstrategien optimieren!

internetwarriors - Ausgezeichnet mit dem SEA Qualitätszertifikat des BVDW

Feb 20, 2025




Inside Internet Warriors

Blogbeitragsbanner unseres SEA Qualitätszertifikates von BVDW.

Suchmaschinenmarketing entwickelt sich ständig weiter, und damit auch die Anforderungen an Unternehmen und Agenturen. Das SEA-Qualitätszertifikat bescheinigt uns als Agentur Internetwarriors umfassende Expertise und Professionalität im Bereich Search Engine Advertising . Mit dem Erhalt des SEA-Qualitätszertifikats des BVDW beweisen wir als internetwarriors, dass wir die höchsten Standards in der Suchmaschinenwerbung erfüllen. Dieses Zertifikat bescheinigt uns nicht nur fundierte Fachkenntnisse, sondern auch eine professionelle und transparente Arbeitsweise. Der anspruchsvolle Zertifizierungsprozess umfasste eine detaillierte Überprüfung unserer Strategieentwicklung, Kampagnensteuerung und Erfolgskontrolle, wobei besonders die Zufriedenheit unserer Kund*innen im Mittelpunkt stand. Für uns bedeutet dies nicht nur einen Qualitätsnachweis, sondern auch eine Bestätigung unserer Werte, auf denen unsere Arbeit beruht: Transparenz, Effizienz und Erfolg. Mit dieser Auszeichnung garantieren wir unseren Kund*innen, dass ihre Kampagnen in den besten Händen sind und kontinuierlich optimiert werden, um den maximalen Erfolg zu erzielen. Strenge Kriterien, objektive Prüfung: So läuft die Zertifizierung ab Der Bewerbungsprozess für das SEA-Qualitätszertifikat des BVDW ist anspruchsvoll und umfasst mehrere Kriterien zur Bewertung der Agentur Qualität: Unterzeichnung des Code of Conducts Beleg der Mitarbeiterqualifikationen durch Fachartikel, Vorträge oder Workshops Nachweis über die Tätigkeit und das Umsatzvolumen als SEA-Agentur Befragung ausgewählter Kunden zur Zufriedenheit mit der Agenturarbeit Vorlage von Referenzen über erfolgreiche Kundenprojekte Alle SEA-Agenturen haben grundsätzlich die Möglichkeit, sich für das BVDW-Qualitätszertifikat zu bewerben. Um jedoch tatsächlich zertifiziert zu werden, müssen strenge Auswahlkriterien erfüllt werden. Die Bewertung erfolgt in folgenden Bereichen: 20 % Erfahrung im SEA-Bereich 40 % Effizienz und Struktur in der Arbeitsweise 30 % Kundenzufriedenheit 10 % Engagement im Markt Abbildung 1: Ablauf SEA Verfahren. Quelle: https://www.bvdw.org/zertifizierungen/sea/ Diese Anforderungen sorgen dafür, dass nur die besten Agenturen ausgezeichnet werden. Auch internetwarriors haben diese hohen Standards erfüllt und sind nun stolzer Träger des SEA-Qualitätszertifikats des BVDW. Aktuell tragen bundesweit nur etwa 23 Agenturen dieses exklusive Siegel (Stand: Januar 2024). Vertrau auf zertifizierte SEA-Expertise Mit dem SEA-Qualitätssiegel des BVDW setzen wir ein klares Zeichen für Qualität und Vertrauenswürdigkeit in der Suchmaschinenwerbung. Profitiere von unserer zertifizierten Expertise! Wenn du einen erfahrenen Partner für deine SEA-Kampagnen suchst, der höchste Standards garantiert, kontaktiere uns ! Gemeinsam entwickeln wir eine individuelle Strategie und bringen deine digitalen Werbeziele erfolgreich voran.

Internetwarriors GmbH: Dein Partner für die CRM Management Software Teamleader Focus

Jan 30, 2025




Inside Internet Warriors

Die Internetwarriors GmbH hat sich als offizieller Partner von Teamleader Focus etabliert, einem leistungsstarken CRM-System, das speziell für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen entwickelt wurde. Diese Partnerschaft ermöglicht es internetwarriors, Unternehmen bei der Implementierung und Optimierung von Teamleader Focus zu unterstützen. In diesem Artikel erfährst du, wie internetwarriors dabei hilft, relevante Prozesse im CRM effizienter zu gestalten und welche Vorteile Teamleader Focus bietet. Die Bedeutung eines CRM Management Software Ein CRM-System ist ein unverzichtbares Werkzeug für Unternehmen, die ihre Kundenbeziehungen optimieren möchten. Es bietet eine zentrale Kundenmanagement Software  zur Verwaltung aller Kundeninformationen und verbessert so die Effizienz und Effektivität der Kundenkommunikation. Darüber hinaus automatisiert ein CRM-System viele Routineaufgaben, was Zeit spart und die Produktivität steigert. Vorteile eines CRM-Systems Zentralisierte Datenverwaltung : Alle Kundendaten sind an einem Ort gespeichert, was den Zugriff erleichtert und die Zusammenarbeit im Team verbessert. Verbesserte Kundenkommunikation : Durch die Speicherung der Kommunikationshistorie können Unternehmen gezielt auf Kundenbedürfnisse eingehen. Effiziente Aufgabenverwaltung : Automatisierung von Routineaufgaben wie Follow-ups und E-Mail-Versand spart Zeit und minimiert Fehler. Was macht Teamleader Focus besonders? Teamleader Focus ist ein umfassendes CRM-System, das Kundenmanagement, Projektmanagement und Rechnungsstellung in einer einzigen Plattform vereint. Diese Integration macht es besonders attraktiv für Unternehmen, die ihre Abläufe straffen und effizienter gestalten möchten sowie ihre Prozesse im CRM abbilden möchten. Hauptfunktionen von Teamleader Focus als CRM Management Software Lead Management : Verfolgt den gesamten Verkaufsprozess von der Lead-Generierung bis zum Abschluss. Kontaktmanagement : Speichert alle Kundendaten zentral und ermöglicht einen besseren Überblick über die Kundenhistorie. Angebotserstellung : Ermöglicht das schnelle Erstellen professioneller Angebote mit benutzerdefinierten Logos und Farben. Dokumentenmanagement : Zentralisiert alle wichtigen Dokumente wie E-Mails und Angebote an einem Ort. Die Rolle von internetwarriors als Teamleader Partner - CRM Beratung  Als offizieller Partner von Teamleader Focus bieten die internetwarriors umfassende Unterstützung bei der Implementierung des CRM-Systems. Dies umfasst eine CRM Beratung, interne Schulungen sowie maßgeschneiderte Entwicklungen, um den spezifischen Anforderungen jedes Unternehmens gerecht zu werden. Die Partnerschaft mit Teamleader ermöglicht es uns auch, Zugang zu exklusiven Ressourcen und Schulungen zu erhalten, um ihren Kund*innen den bestmöglichen Service zu bieten. Vorteile der Partnerschaft mit internetwarriors Fachkundige Beratung : Unterstützung bei der Auswahl und Implementierung der richtigen CRM-Lösung. Schulungen : Interne Schulungen zur optimalen Nutzung von Teamleader Focus. Individuelle Anpassungen : Entwicklung spezifischer Integrationen zwischen Teamleader Focus und anderen Tools zur Verbesserung der Geschäftsprozesse. Fazit: Effiziente Geschäftsprozesse mit Teamleader Focus Für viele Unternehmen ist es entscheidend, effiziente Abläufe zu haben, um im Wettbewerb bestehen zu können. Ein leistungsstarkes CRM-System wie Teamleader Focus bietet die notwendigen Werkzeuge, um Prozesse im CRM zu optimieren und die Kundenzufriedenheit zu steigern. Durch die Partnerschaft mit internetwarriors können Unternehmen sicherstellen, dass sie das volle Potenzial von Teamleader Focus ausschöpfen und ihre Geschäftsziele effektiv erreichen. Die Kombination aus einem leistungsstarken CRM-System und der Expertise eines erfahrenen Partners wie internetwarriors bietet eine unschlagbare Lösung für Unternehmen, die ihre Effizienz steigern und ihre Kundenbeziehungen verbessern möchten. Nimm Kontakt mit uns auf , wenn du an einer CRM Beratung interessiert bist!

Optimize PDF SEO the Right Way!

Aug 14, 2024





Now that all necessary measures for search engine optimization (also: SEO ) have been taken and the website achieves top rankings? Even if the first steps are successfully mastered, the next step comes - SEO for PDFs! [object Object] The PDF file is notoriously not well-regarded in the SEO world, but sometimes it's unavoidable. This is partly due to the static format (HTML pages are not as easily downloadable) and partly due to the user experience: some people prefer to read certain content offline, and PDF files usually provide detailed information that isn't always suitable for HTML pages due to text length (extensive scrolling and unnecessary information can, in the worst case, lead to bounce rates). So PDFs have their own target audience that can and should be addressed. Therefore, optimizing PDFs for search engines is worthwhile, even if it brings some challenges. Back to the roots: History and relevance of PDFs Regular users of Google search know that organic search results can include not only websites but also PDF documents. In fact, PDF files have been in the Google index since the year 2000: PDF file in Google search - https://www.internetwarriors.de/ The PDF format (Portable Document Format) has existed since the early '90s - developed by Adobe Inc. - and can contain both text and images, forms, links, etc. Today it stands for the open standard (ISO) and is very popular for its accessibility. [object Object] The inclusion by search engines allowed users a broader access to information. This added value resulted in the discussed indexing of static PDF files. This was the starting shot for another discipline of search engine optimization: SEO PDF. [object Object] Though PDF files differ from 'classic' web formats, they offer numerous advantages for SEO. This isn't just about the profit for users, but also about keywords (PDFs can be excellently optimized for keywords), backlinks (PDFs as a source for backlinks), and enduring content. Therefore, when well-integrated into the SEO strategy, PDFs can provide significant added value. Search engine optimization for PDFs: Doing it right! To understand how to optimize PDF documents, two main questions arise: How does Google rank PDF files? What decides their position compared to websites? And ultimately - what differentiates PDFs from classic websites? Two points stand out: PDFs are generally longer Users tend to link less to PDF documents Google itself also says that determining relevance is difficult because it depends on personal preference whether a user prefers to read a PDF or a website. Different search engines handle this differently and so only some helpful hints can be provided here. Find out what these are! But first, a golden rule: Google, as a text-based search engine, needs real text to optimally read and evaluate a document. PDFs often consist of images, especially if they are scanned book pages, etc. With the help of OCR software (Optical Character Recognition - a technology many are familiar with from scanners), Google might be able to better read images containing text in the future, but until then, pure text documents are the better choice. This is where SEO optimization for PDFs begins: Formatting, adjusting, and reformatting As mentioned, PDF SEO optimization starts with the correct file format. It's simple to check if it’s correct: if text from a PDF document can be copied and pasted into, e.g., a Word file, it is real text. Even if tables are present in a file, they should be text-based. Selectable text isn’t the only requirement for the correct format. Besides the text content, other aspects need to be considered, such as file size. Following the principle “as small as possible” practically ensures you can’t go wrong in this regard. Generally, file size reflects loading speed and download duration. A size under 1 MB is generally considered user-friendly, but some PDFs require more, justified by the amount of content. Additionally, a range between 1 and 5 MB can be seen as optimal, with anything over 1 MB aimed at large files and documents. It’s important to consider image compression to prevent unnecessarily increasing the file size. Always ask whether the file size suits its purpose and prioritize user experience. [object Object] Don’t overlook the write protection of PDFs - it’s crucial to prevent changes and modifications to the original files. Despite crawlers accessing write-protected PDFs, indexing them is usually pointless. It’s recommended to set such PDFs to noindex.  [object Object] In summary: Correct formatting is the first step in PDF SEO optimization. It also ensures readability and accessibility, essential for a positive user experience. Content determines success “Content is King” seems to be one of the most well-known and current quotes, even though it originates from a 1996 essay by Bill Gates. The saying has become somewhat of a cliché and has its place in the online marketing world. It’s also a rule in search engine optimization when it comes to content creation. PDFs are no exception. [object Object] The rule always applies - it’s all about the users. Thus, the PDF should provide added value if a good ranking is to be achieved. It needs not only SEO optimization but also informative, relevant, and useful content for the user. Added value, quality, and credibility are crucial for E-E-A-T optimization , making it essential to create high-quality content. [object Object] Content optimization for PDFs follows the same rules as for 'normal' HTML pages - one of the most important: it must be unique. This means: PDFs should provide additional information to the HTML content, may complement them, but must not be identical. This leads to the issue of duplicate content. If there’s a good reason to duplicate content, a Canonical Tag must not be forgotten. [object Object] In terms of keyword optimization, there are almost no differences: PDFs should and must be keyword optimized because search engines find and index PDFs through relevant keywords. Care should be taken to integrate keywords as naturally as possible into the content, and they should also appear in headings, title tags, meta descriptions, and file names. PDF Mastery: Onpage optimization for maximum success An onpage optimization is also required for PDF SEO. Essentially, it is very similar to onpage optimization of HTML pages. When done correctly, discoverability, user experience, and accessibility can benefit. [object Object] The first concern should be the file name : it should be as descriptive and simple as possible. Integrating a meaningful keyword into the file name is a helpful step, as it facilitates indexing by search engines. However, avoid using special characters and prefer hyphens - this measure is partly for better compatibility (for various software and operating systems), URL friendliness, and error avoidance (special characters have specific meanings in the file system). [object Object] Next, the title , part of the metadata, should be optimized. Common SEO rules apply here - length (max. 60 characters), unique design, relevant keywords, and brand at the end of the title. The title is directly stored in the PDF file and is an essential part of PDF SEO. It's possible to save the file name as the title simultaneously, which is also a permissible implementation. This must now be noted in the settings (Adobe Acrobat) accordingly. [object Object] Contrasting with the title, the meta description or description is not quite identical to what is known from SEO optimization. For PDFs, metadata includes title, author, keywords, and content summaries. Additionally, further information can be added via additional metadata. Except for keywords, which no longer have ranking relevance, all fields must be filled out. Even with different handling of PDF files, it is advisable to still consider the description's length (max. 160 characters) and add a usual call-to-action. Traditionally, headings play a very special role in SEO: …they structure content for users and search engines …provide an excellent opportunity to integrate keywords for better ranking …improve user experience …facilitate navigation, especially for users relying on screen readers …highlight content Moreover, headings are an important ranking factor. Therefore, it's crucial to equip not only websites but also PDFs with good headings. The same rules as for HTML pages should be followed - no unnecessary headings, keyword optimization, one H1 per page or document, and maintaining logical order. Inserting headings is very straightforward using Adobe Acrobat (or PDF-XChange Editor) or already in the Word file (with subsequent export of the document as PDF). [object Object] If content is considered a king in the SEO world, then internal linking is at least a hidden bridge to SEO success. Internal linking is also very relevant for PDFs, as it can increase the value of the PDF itself and its visibility. Internal linking can be well implemented through relevant keywords in the content. It is merely necessary to maintain thematic coherence and link to pages that fit the PDF's content. Moreover, anchor texts should not be overlooked, nor should the embedding in the sitemap. If backlinks from high-quality websites point to the document, there is an excellent chance to improve authority and visibility and thus work into the E-E-A-T concept. Furthermore, internal linking is almost indispensable if one wants to optimize PDFs for SEO. Tech-Tuning: Optimize your PDF! Once content, keywords, and onpage aspects for PDFs are optimized, the first half is done. The next and almost last step should be technical optimization. [object Object] Including it in the sitemap is essential for universal and/or current PDFs. However, one should start with the added value - does the PDF file offer it to the user? If this question can be positively answered and the criteria are met, then the sitemap is the right place for PDFs. The advantages are similar to HTML pages - direct indexing, better discoverability, improved performance, and proactive control of the indexing process. However, if certain files are to be excluded from indexing, this can also be done using the “noindex” tag. [object Object] The canonical tag should be correctly used and applied: Is the PDF content similar or even identical to the HTML page content? If so, the canonical tag is indispensable to avoid the issue of duplicate content. [object Object] The SEO optimization of PDFs also requires mobile optimization - correspondingly, aspects that characterize a mobile-friendly file should be considered - starting with file size (shouldn't be too large) to correct formatting (e.g., portrait orientation, left-aligned text, use of sections & headings, good structuring, etc.). If these points are observed, PDF search engine optimization is on the right track! PDF without barriers: Accessibility redefined! The topic of web accessibility has been discussed for a long time - and rightly so! Websites should be accessible to everyone, and from June 2025, this becomes mandatory. Hence, basic adaptations should be made in PDFs: All images/graphics should have alt texts Headings and tags must also be implemented Content must be text-based but also need appropriate contrast and readable typeface Lastly: Don’t forget necessary configurations for screen readers. [object Object] The good news is that all these measures can be directly implemented in PDF programs like Adobe Acrobat or the PDF-XChange Editor. Afterward, you can use the accessibility check (also available in the programs) to verify implementation. SEO PDF Accessibility PDF Tracking: Measuring with Precision Those wanting to measure performance should definitely consider tracking. This is also part of PDF SEO and can be used effectively. It provides a way to understand how users interact with the PDF document. There are many methods suitable for tracking PDF files - everyone can find what works best for them. However, the tracking concept should be approached with caution, always weighing its necessity. SEO Optimization for PDFs: Strategies for Success Even if PDF SEO is considered complex, it’s worth optimizing such files correctly. It should not be underestimated that PDFs can be SEO-relevant for several reasons: Indexing of content (text-based) Additional opportunity for keyword optimization Positive user experience Distribution of link equity Sustainable content PDFs are thus a valuable addition to the website, offering content expansion, targeting specific audiences, and appropriately optimized can increase visibility. If you follow the rules and properly implement search engine optimization for PDFs and fundamentally include the use of PDF files in the SEO strategy, you can only benefit from the expanded content format! [object Object] Need help optimizing your PDF content? Don't hesitate to contact us - our team is happy to assist you! It's simple: schedule an appointment and get all the insights! Learn more about our SEO services!

Custom Columns in Google Ads: The Ultimate Guide to Greater Data Transparency

Aug 14, 2024





Google Ads offers a variety of standard reports that provide valuable insights into campaign performance. However, these reports often reach their limits when it comes to analyzing specific data points or creating individual evaluations. This is where custom columns come into play. With custom columns, you can tailor Google Ads data to your needs, gathering the information most relevant to you. In this blog article, we explore how custom columns work and introduce you to important formulas you can implement directly in your account. What are custom columns? Custom columns in Google Ads are specially tailored data fields that you can define yourself. Unlike the predefined columns available by default in Google Ads, custom columns offer the flexibility to create your own metrics and perform complex calculations. This feature is especially useful for gaining detailed insights into your campaign performance and tracking specific metrics. Benefits of using custom columns Using custom columns in Google Ads offers numerous benefits: 1. Personalization of data analysis: You can create metrics that are precisely tailored to your business goals. For instance, you can calculate ROI, Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), or other business-specific KPIs. 2. Increased efficiency: Custom columns in Google Ads allow you to perform complex data calculations directly in the Google Ads interface, reducing the need for external spreadsheets and speeding up the analysis process. 3. Improved decision-making: With tailored metrics, you can make more informed decisions, gaining specific insights into your campaign performance that would otherwise be hidden. 4. Better reporting: Custom columns facilitate the creation of detailed reports that provide your stakeholders with exactly the information they need. Creation and implementation of custom columns Creating custom columns in Google Ads is a relatively simple process. Here are the basic steps: [object Object] Log into your Google Ads account and go to the campaign area. On the right side, you will find the "Columns" menu item. Figure 1: Step 1 Select Columns   Click "Custom," but you can also get there via "Customize Columns." In the next step, you will reach the overview page and open "Custom Columns." Figure 2: Step 2 Customize Columns for Campaigns   From here, you can create the corresponding columns. Figure 3: Step 3 Create Columns   Give the column a name and description. Choose the desired metric and calculation formula. Formulas and calculations: You can use simple calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to create your custom metric. Once you've created the custom column, you can add it to your reports and dashboards. This allows you to monitor and analyze your campaigns' performance using the new metrics. Important custom columns for Google Ads To help you get started, we've compiled some useful custom columns that you can create directly in your Google Ads account: 1. Expected costs for the current month: This column shows you the monthly budget you should expect if you don't change existing settings or budgets. Formula: REPLACE MANUALLY!!! 2. Cost-per-conversion by conversion action: This column shows the average cost per conversion for various conversion actions (e.g., purchase, newsletter signup). This helps you better understand the profitability of your conversion actions. Formula: REPLACE MANUALLY!!! Here is an excerpt of conversions we have set up in our account: Figure 4: Overview of created conversions   These are also associated with the respective CPA per conversion. The above data provides extremely useful insights into each conversion phase. Different views can also be examined to see which search terms, keywords, and ads perform accordingly, allowing you to find out very specifically where you need to optimize, cut, or increase your budget. 3. CPA in the last 7 days: This column shows the average CPA in the last 7 days. This allows you to compare the development of the CPA over the last 30 days and the last week at a glance. Formula: REPLACE MANUALLY!!! 4. ROAS in the last 7 days: This column shows the average ROAS in the last 7 days. This allows you to compare the development of the ROAS over the last 30 days and the last week at a glance. Formula: REPLACE MANUALLY!!! 5. Budget utilization: The "Budget Utilization" column shows the percentage of the set daily budget that the campaign spent on average per day in the last 7 days. It is important to note that if the daily budget is increased or decreased, the column will change accordingly. This means it is only meaningful if the budget is not adjusted. Formula: REPLACE MANUALLY!!! Conclusion Custom columns in Google Ads are a powerful tool for tailoring Google Ads data to individual needs. By creating your own columns, you gain deeper insights into your campaign performance and make informed decisions to optimize results. We are happy to help you identify and create the right custom columns in your Google Ads account. Simply contact us via the contact form and secure your non-binding offer!

Local SEO – How to Improve Your Local Visibility

Aug 9, 2024





The SEO world is famously very diverse - content SEO, E-commerce SEO, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, technical SEO, and local SEO. Many of these intertwine and are difficult to separate. Although each type of SEO has its own peculiarities and nuances, there is also a common foundation that is the same across different types of SEO. [object Object] One of the most current SEO topics is local SEO. What is local SEO and where does it come from? The origins of this field date back to 2005. With the launch of Google Maps, the local aspect suddenly became very relevant. Since then, it has been gaining more and more importance. While traditional search engine optimization focuses on being easily found on Google, local search engine optimization aims to be found when users are searching for a result in their immediate area. [object Object] It is implemented in different forms - from the Google Business Profile to local keywords. But what does it include and how is it optimized? It's not enough to just specify the city Local business SEO is not just about keywords or the city name in the title tag. It's much more about strategy, planning, and execution. The goal of local SEO is to optimize local visibility, such as how the service or product is presented and its visibility with a local context. The search results are displayed based on the users' location. The increasing relevance of local SEO is due to the fact that nowadays, many people (if not most) are mobile. This means that, for instance, when looking for a restaurant or a good online marketing agency, local SEO is the way to go: Fig.1: Local Search - 360 Online Marketing Agency For companies, local SEO is not only a cost-effective strategy but also a way to stand out from the competition. With a well-crafted profile, specific and locally tailored content, as well as feedback and reviews, your visibility will shine in new colors. As a small bonus - it helps you gain and strengthen your customers' trust! [object Object] Overall, local SEO is your excellent chance to position yourself locally and gain market presence! Opportunities and limits of Local SEO Of course, you must always weigh the pros and cons. SEO for local businesses has a different tone and, while it offers many bonus points, it also presents its own challenges: The local aspect : The local aspect, which is the focus of local search engine optimization, can be both a curse and a blessing. Compared to classic SEO measures, the website is found in certain geographic regions with a local SEO strategy, making it difficult to rank for general queries. If the company's main target is at the local level, this is definitely an advantage. However, if you want to be visible beyond one city, you should consider combined SEO strategies and not rely solely on local SEO. Continuous change in algorithms : One should always remember that search engine algorithms change very quickly, so it's important to keep adapting local SEO strategies. Competition : Especially in certain local industries, competition can be very strong, which brings certain challenges. Time investment : The time investment is another factor because you can't do SEO halfheartedly. The effort in local SEO involves keeping all information up-to-date. In certain industries, the frequency can be relatively high, but the profiles should still be kept current and maintained. Reviews : Feedback, reviews, and testimonials strengthen customer trust, and that's true! But one must not forget that reviews are not always positive. A negative review can have serious consequences and requires immediate action. A thoughtful and constructive response to a negative comment can also create trust. If you're wondering if the effort is worth it, the answer is: Absolutely, because the benefits are huge. Targeted reach : With local SEO, you can specifically target users in your area searching for products or services, significantly increasing the likelihood of interaction. Visibility : A good placement in local search results will not only increase your visibility in the region but also encourage customer interactions, both online and offline. [object Object] Cost-effectiveness: Compared to many traditional marketing measures, local SEO is a cost-effective solution, mainly relying on organic traffic. However, if you do not have enough experience in the industry, working with a local SEO agency is a good decision to balance efficiency and costs. Mobile search : As mentioned before, mobile phones are the most commonly used search medium. Local SEO is ideal to reach users seeking local insights while on the go. Trust : A business can enhance its image in the community through positive customer reviews, building trust. Practical tips from professionals: How local SEO works! It's essential to evaluate and be clear on what marketing measure is right. Even if it seems like there's a formulaic approach in practice, it's not all that straightforward. If you're unsure whether local search engine optimization is right for you, answer this simple question: Does your business (store, restaurant, shop, etc.) have a fixed location? If you can answer this question with "Yes," then it's the right SEO strategy for you! Local SEO works when there is a location that can be visited. If your business is only online, it doesn't make sense. This is because most users will make very specific search queries with local references, such as "Pizza place Mitte" or "Beauty salon Schöneberg Berlin." Geographical orientation is the starting point. Once the question of choosing the right SEO strategy is clarified, here are some fundamental tips to maximize local visibility: Google Business Profile Google has its own local SEO management. To be present there, you need to know the rules. The first one is: "Create a Google Business Profile." Formerly known as “Google My Business,” the Google Business Profile is of enormous importance for local optimization. From the provided information, Google can determine relevant insights like reviews, opening hours, photos for local rankings, and display these alongside local hits: Fig.2: Google Business Profile - internetwarriors GmbH Moreover, connections to Google Maps, Google Street View, and Google Local Pack (also known as Google 3-Pack) are only possible with the Google Business Profile. Another advantage of this platform is that it is developed directly by Google and thus also considered in organic search. This means you can appear in local Google search results, even if the content on your website hasn't been optimized. NAP NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone number and is another important component of local SEO. This information is essential for Google and should be consistent everywhere: On third-party platforms, on your own website, and within the Google Business Profile. The spelling should be uniform as well. Otherwise, it can lead to confusion, especially for users, but also for search engines, leading to negative ranking effects. On-page & Content Anyone familiar with on-page SEO will not find major differences in local on-page SEO. One should pay attention to the same components: keywords, title tags, meta descriptions, headings, etc. But since it's about the local context, this should also be mirrored everywhere. If the title tag says, for instance, "Delicious Italian Pizza," it's best to add the city or district, for example, "Delicious Italian Pizza from Berlin-Schöneberg." The same rules apply to meta descriptions and headings. With keywords, local relevance should also be considered. This applies to the content as well. Users should understand that it is a local provider. Of course, don't forget that the content must provide value and high quality. It’s much more about the substance than marking every sentence with a keyword of local relevance. Structured Data Let's not forget structured data. Even if users do not see it, structured data is visible to search engines. By marking all necessary data, you can also benefit. Search engines recognize such information (e.g., address, opening hours, etc.) and use it for display in search results. They also contribute to better local ranking. Moreover, using structured data provides the opportunity to display rich snippets. Mobile Optimization Though it seems evident, the relevance of mobile optimization should not be neglected. On one hand, local SEO is perfect for mobile search; on the other hand, it is generally important for ranking and visibility. Furthermore, some simple rules should be followed: The less, the better: Your website’s code should not be overloaded to achieve fast loading speeds. Your website's content should not be overloaded either. Users should not have to scroll excessively, whether on desktop or mobile, to reach the desired content. Responsive Design: This is by far the most important aspect. When designing the website, responsive design should always be implemented so the content adjusts dynamically to all mobile sizes. Business Directory Back in the day, people often looked up the Yellow Pages to find desired information and addresses. Today, everything is digitized, and numerous digital business directories exist. Utilizing this opportunity and registering your business there can yield additional benefits. Reviews and Testimonials Your local SEO checklist should not miss handling reviews & testimonials! The reviews and testimonials left by customers can lift or lower the business. Negative reviews undermine trust. But you should respond to such reviews and make a statement. Therefore: Don't leave reviews unanswered and never delete negative reviews! It's important to handle criticism and not panic. [object Object] Also, try encouraging customers to give feedback and leave reviews, as the more reviews there are, the stronger the profile. Regularity is also a positive signal for search engines. However, you should collect genuine reviews to gain trust from both users and search engines. Backlinks Working with backlinks is also part of local SEO. Therefore, after completing all mentioned measures, start building relevant backlinks from websites in the local environment. Attention should be paid to the importance of links. We always recommend generic, or free, backlinks collection, as it offers significant added value. Helpful steps include using PR measures or collaborating with other local businesses. Local SEO - Your To-Do List When opting for local search engine optimization, always keep a cool head. Proper implementation brings great added value! Local SEO increases visibility in local search results and is the first point of contact when looking for services or products nearby. Additionally, it generates targeted traffic and highlights local brand presence. In summary, these are the To-Do’s that must be checked off for effective local search engine optimization: Google My Business Profile Local keywords Structured data NAP On-page & content Possibly expand social media profiles Maintain reviews Mobile optimization Backlinks We are happy to help you implement your local SEO strategies! Simply contact us via the contact form and secure your non-binding offer! [object Object] Together, towards the most sought-after local brand! Did you enjoy the blog? Recommend it now! Facebook Twitter Telegram LinkedIn Envelope WhatsApp

Improve Internal Linking for SEO: A Guide to a Successful Strategy

Aug 6, 2024





In the world of search engine optimization, there are numerous strategies and techniques to enhance the visibility of a website. One often underestimated but highly effective method is optimizing internal linking. Internal linking in SEO serves to connect different pages within a website. This plays a crucial role not only in navigation and user-friendliness but also in distributing what is known as "Link Juice," which increases the authority and relevance of pages in the eyes of search engines. In this blog post, you'll learn how to improve your SEO strategy through thoughtful and targeted internal linking. Discover the best practices to satisfy both your users and search engines and ultimately improve your ranking. As a basis for the concept of your internal linking, you will learn in a step-by-step guide how to analyze the current state and identify potential areas of improvement. Definition and significance for SEO Basically, there are two types of hyperlinks: Internal links are connections that lead from your website to a subpage within your website. They help users navigate through your site and assist search engines in understanding the structure and hierarchy of your site. The advantage is that you have 100% control over them. External links , on the other hand, lead from a completely different domain to your website or vice versa. They can enhance credibility. However, you do not have full control over these and are dependent on other websites. This blog post will focus solely on internal linking. An important term in this context is "link juice." Link juice is the strength of a page. It consists of the quality and number of incoming links as well as their distribution across a website. As a result, the homepage has the most link juice and can pass it on through internal links. Links from pages considered more important transfer more link power than links from less important pages . A page is deemed important when many other important pages link to it. Link power is not distributed evenly. For example, if there are 100 internal links, they do not each receive 1/100 link power. Some links receive more, others less link power. The significance for SEO is diverse. Internal links enhance the user experience by helping visitors easily reach the desired information. For search engines, internal links are indicators of which pages on your website are most important. Pages that receive many internal links are considered particularly relevant and can rank higher in search results. Additionally, internal links make it easier for search engine crawlers to explore and index your site, thereby improving the discoverability and visibility of your content. Significance for Users The importance of internal links for SEO is diverse. They improve the user experience by helping visitors easily find the desired information. Within a text, for example, other products or services of the company are linked. This allows users to reach the page directly via the link without having to navigate to the site's menu. A well-thought-out internal linking strategy for SEO can help increase the user's time spent on your site. This can lead to better rankings in search results, as search engines consider user behavior in evaluating a site. Significance for Search Engines For search engines, internal links are an indicator of which pages on your site are most important. Pages with high link juice are considered particularly relevant and can rank higher in search results. Additionally, internal links make it easier for search engine crawlers to explore and index your site. This, in turn, improves the discoverability and visibility of your content. We occasionally hear the idea of marking links with nofollow to save link power. However, we advise against this. In such cases, the link is not followed, but it is still perceived as a link. During the calculation of link power, this link is considered in the total count. Concrete tips for optimizing internal linking We have concrete and practical tips on how you can optimize the internal linking on your website for more efficient SEO. From identifying particularly rewarding pages to choosing the right anchor texts to strategically placing links, these tips will help you fully exploit the potential of your internal linking and sustainably improve your SEO performance. 1. Use Screaming Frog to find pages that particularly benefit from additional internal links How can you find out which pages would benefit the most from additional internal links? This is where Screaming Frog comes into play. This powerful SEO tool allows you to specifically search for pages that are currently under-linked and therefore have great potential for additional internal links. Especially for pages that already have high traffic and are relatively poorly linked, there is a high probability that additional links will increase visibility and relevance in search results. First, create an API connection with Google Search Console : [object Object] 1. Configuration → API Access → Google Search Console [object Object] 2. Log in and select domain → OK Figure 1: Screaming Frog Guide: Set up API access Then start the crawl of the domain and limit the dataset to relevant data : [object Object] 1. Internal → HTML [object Object] 2. Select the following columns: Address, Meta Robots 1, Inlinks, Impressions [object Object] 3. Filter: Meta Robots 1 → does not contain → "noindex" Figure 2: Screaming Frog Dataset Once the crawl is complete, you should have a manageable number of pages. Now the ratio between inlinks and impressions is relevant. For optimization, especially those pages are interesting that have many impressions but few incoming links . For these pages, optimizing internal linking is a great way to capture the low-hanging fruits (threshold keywords). If the number of URLs is too overwhelming, you can save the data and create a chart using Excel. 2. Use internal links in the content of the page When using links in the text, the so-called anchor text (or also anchor text/link text) is particularly important. You shouldn't use phrases like "Click here" or "Learn more." Because not only should users learn from the anchor text what to expect on the linked page, but so should bots. Therefore, the linked text should as closely as possible match the keyword of the target page. However, we recommend not using the same anchor text (the keyword) 1:1 for every linking of a page, as that would seem unnatural. Ideally, use variations and synonyms, sometimes single words, phrases, or even entire sentences with keywords. It's also important to consider the position of the link. The highest importance lies in links within a text. The context signals to both users and bots the context in which the link is located. The further up on the page it is placed, the more important it appears. Of course, buttons can still be used, as they are user-friendly. Pay attention to a good link text here as well. Furthermore, images can also be linked. In this case, using the alt attribute and a good image title is particularly important. Specifically, the alt text visualizes for the bots what can be seen in the images and indicates what content the target page offers. 3. Use internal links in the navigation Navigation consists mainly of the menu and the footer . The navigation can be accessed from any page, and thus the links are visible on every page. Especially the most important pages should be linked in the menu, as they receive a lot of link power from this placement. The links in the footer should also not be forgotten. However, it is not meant to contain innumerable links. Linking pages from the menu a second time in the footer makes no sense. Moreover, the links pass less link juice because they are less likely to be clicked. Seasonal pages should be well-linked internally with some lead time. If a topic is relevant in 5-6 months, the target page can be linked in the footer. However, it should be linked more prominently 2-3 months beforehand, e.g., in the menu, on the homepage, and from relevant content to show search engines that it is currently a very important page. We also recommend integrating a breadcrumb for easy navigation. The links it contains show the hierarchical depth of the active page and offer the users the opportunity to reach the correct parent page with a few clicks. As a result, it is very user-friendly and increases the number of internal links in the domain. 4. Quality over Quantity There is no optimal amount of internal links on a website. More important is that the links are relevant and make sense . If you keep this principle in mind, you cannot have too many internal links on a page. You can ask yourself for each link: Could this page be interesting for users? If that is the case, it is a good and relevant link. If you want to create a concept for the internal linking of your website from scratch, you should consider the so-called siloing . This is the topic-relevant linking . According to this principle, online shop visitors on a product detail page for a soccer shoe should not see links to products from the "T-shirts" or "Pants" categories. These are likely not relevant in this case. Instead, it makes sense to offer a link to a soccer shoe from another brand, as the users are obviously interested in this product type. Therefore, internal linking should be limited to the category in which the users currently are and should only refer to the homepages of other categories. Figure 3: Siloing - topic-relevant linking Internal Linking & SEO: Conclusion from internetwarriors Optimizing internal linking is an important but often underestimated method for improving a website's SEO strategy. Through targeted internal linking, both the user-friendliness and the visibility and relevance of pages for search engines can be significantly improved. Well-thought-out internal linking supports navigation, efficiently distributes link juice, and helps search engines better understand the structure of the website. Practical tips such as the use of tools like Screaming Frog, the correct selection and placement of anchor texts, as well as high-quality and topic-relevant linking, are essential for success. Overall, optimized internal linking contributes to longer user dwell time and a better ranking in search results. We are happy to support you in developing an SEO strategy for internal linking. With an SEO Analysis , we find the potential of your website, define measures, and can implement these together under SEO Management . Contact us anytime for a non-binding offer! Did you like the blog? Recommend it now! Facebook Twitter Telegram Linkedin Envelope Whatsapp

Privacy Sandbox Stopped! The Future of Chrome Third-Party Cookies

Jul 29, 2024




Web Analytics

Google plans to block third-party cookies in Chrome and replace them with cohort data. However, this faced difficulties. Even though the plans were abandoned, the fear of a comprehensive tracking blockade remains. In this blog post, you'll learn more about the latest developments in tracking and how our solution can help. Chrome relies on third-party cookies – What you need to know now In 2019, Google announced that with the introduction of the Google Privacy Sandbox, it would block all third-party cookies in its Chrome browser. These measures have already been implemented by the browsers Safari and Firefox. However, Google's approach encountered significant challenges, particularly regarding the use of cohort data provided by Google based on browsing history. Instead of traditional third-party cookies, the Privacy Sandbox is intended to provide information about user groups, known as cohorts or interest groups. These groups are based on browsing history and offer advertisers a new way to reach target audiences. The problem is that marketers rely on the data provided by Google, which could allow Google to gain a monopoly position. Additionally, the results of the Privacy Sandbox trial from the first quarter of 2024 did not yield the desired outcomes. These insufficient results ultimately led to Google abandoning its plans to block third-party cookies . This was confirmed in an official blog post by Anthony Chavez. Yet, the concern over a comprehensive blockade may not necessarily be over. With Google’s new proposal, users can make informed decisions about which data to permit for tracking. This might lead many users to opt for a full or heavily restricted tracking blockade. Therefore, it remains essential to keep your advertising tracking methods up to date to counteract the effects of potential tracking blockades. A proven technology in this area is server-side tracking. Our case studies and the experiences of numerous clients show that server-side tracking can increase the captured data volume by at least 12% . Do you have any further questions or comments? Feel free to contact us or use the comment function below.

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Kanal-Diversifizierung im Online Marketing

Mar 4, 2025





Beitragsbanner zum Thema Kanal-Diversizierung im Online Marketing

Wer alles auf eine Karte setzt, hat entweder sehr viel Glück oder verliert schnell mal einen ganzen Haufen Geld. Gleiches gilt auch im Online Marketing. Nur einen Kanal zu bespielen, ermöglicht zwar, seine Aufmerksamkeit nur darauf zu fokussieren, birgt aber auch erhebliche Risiken . Denn kommt es auf diesem Kanal zu einem Problem, ist in Windeseile das ganze Outbound Marketing aus. Wer sich also bei der Kundenakquise ausschließlich darauf verlässt, kommt schnell mal in die Bredouille. Genau deswegen ist es sinnvoll, seine Marketingstrategie durch Kanal-Diversifizierung aufzufächern. Neben der Risikoverminderung bei Ausfällen kommen noch weitere Vorteile hinzu, wie etwa: Mehr Reichweite - bestimmte Zielgruppen bevorzugen bestimmte Kanäle. Durch Diversifizierung können mehr Nutzer, und damit auch potenzielle Neukunden angesprochen werden. Höhere Brand Awareness - Eine einheitliche Message über mehrere Kanäle hinweg stärkt die Brand-Identität und erhöht die Sichtbarkeit. Mehr Data-Driven Insights - Verschiedene Kanäle geben jeweils einen einzigartigen Blick auf die Daten und ermöglichen so zusätzliche Erkenntnisse, die dabei helfen, fundiertere Entscheidungen zu treffen. Besseres Customer Engagement - Durch Interaktionen mit Nutzern auf mehreren Kanälen etablieren sich potenziell persönlichere Interaktionen und somit eine stärkere Bindung zum Unternehmen. Potenziell höherer ROI - Datengetriebene Entscheidungen über mehrere Kanäle hinweg führen häufig auch zu einer Steigerung der Effizienz von Online Marketing Maßnahmen und somit zu einem höheren Gewinn. Auswahl geeigneter Kanäle Welchen Kanal wir für die Diversifizierung in Betracht ziehen sollten, hängt meist davon ab, welches Ziel wir damit erreichen wollen. Wo sehen wir die größten Potenziale , die beste Chance uns als Marke zu positionieren oder vielleicht auch sogenannte “low hanging fruits”? Gibt es Kanäle, auf denen bisher noch kaum Mitbewerber unterwegs sind? Eine Möglichkeit, die geeignetsten Kanäle auszuwählen, ist sich am klassichen Marketingfunnel zu orientieren - abhängig davon in welchem Schritt die Zielgruppe sich befindet und welche Conversion-Aktionen wir besonders bewerben wollen. Es ist ebenfalls ratsam, regelmäßig zu überprüfen, ob die aktuelle Zielgruppendefinition noch akurat ist oder angepasst werden muss. Denn Anforderungen, Bedürfnisse und Suchverhalten können sich im Laufe der Zeit ändern . So können wir einen potenziellen Wandel in der Zielgruppe beobachten und entsprechend reagieren. In manchen Fällen unterscheidet sich die im Vorfeld definierte Zielgruppe auch von der tatsächlichen, die wir erreichen und die bei uns konvertiert. Wie dabei der optimale Kunde aussieht, ergibt sich aus verschiedenen Faktoren, wie beispielsweise: Demografischen Daten (Alter, Geschlecht, Standort, Familienstatus …) Interessen Kaufverhalten/Kaufkraft Lifestyle … Hier gilt es, weitere Potenziale zu entdecken und bestehende zu erweitern. Möglicherweise gibt es auch Nischenzielgruppen , die für uns eine hohe Relevanz haben. Der Vorteil dabei: In der Regel ist die Konkurrenz niedriger, was zu geringeren Kosten bei der Neukundenakquise führen kann. Identifizieren wir die Pain Points der Zielgruppen, können wir auch das Messaging der Kampagnen und Creatives genau daran anpassen . Das sorgt mitunter für mehr Relevanz, höhere Interaktion und im Bestfall für einen besseren ROI. An Regeln halten Wie wir also feststellen, ist die Kanal-Diversifizierung enorm wichtig im Marketing. Allerdings sollten wir dabei zwei Regeln beachten: Eine Diversifizierung der Kanäle sollte immer wohlüberlegt sein, und nicht nur um der Sache Willen geschehen . Wer sofort auf mehrere verschiedene Plattformen expandiert, läuft Gefahr, überfordert zu sein und den Nuancen der jeweiligen Kanäle nicht gerecht zu werden. Das wiederum kann schnell zu unerwünschten Ergebnissen führen, wodurch die Kanäle im Zweifel wieder abgeschaltet werden, ohne ihr volles Potenzial ausgeschöpft zu haben. Ebenso ist es wichtig, dem Kanal ausreichend Zeit einzuräumen . In den seltensten Fällen gelingt direkt der erste Wurf, und Anpassungen und Optimierungen entlang des Weges sind unabdinglich. Erst wenn wir mehrere Optimierungszyklen durchlaufen und ausreichend Daten gesammelt haben, können wir die Performance des Kanals fair bewerten und so sinnvolle Entscheidungen treffen. Selbstverständlich erfordert auch eine Kanal-Diversifizierung ein gewisses Investment. Wie oben bereits erwähnt hängt es von vielen Faktoren ab, wie viele und welche Kanäle für eine Diversifizierung in Frage kommen. Zusätzlich unterscheiden sich diese auch ganz individuell von Unternehmen zu Unternehmen und sollten deshalb im Vorfeld gut geprüft und überlegt werden. Gehen wir die Sache allerdings richtig an, kann sich das in vielen Fällen mehr als auszahlen. Vielen Dank für deine Aufmerksamkeit! Hoffentlich war es aufschlussreich, und du konntest etwas davon für dich mitnehmen! Im dritten Teil unserer Miniserie beschäftigen wir uns näher mit dem Thema Contextual Advertising . Unseren vorherigen Post zum Thema Business-Ziele findest du hier . Haben wir etwas Wichtiges vergessen, oder hast du noch Fragen zum Thema? Dann schreib’ es uns gerne in die Kommentare! Falls du dich direkt in Verbindung mit uns setzen willst, schau gerne mal bei unserem Kontaktformular vorbei. Wir helfen dir dabei, die für dein Unternehmen richtigen Marketingkanäle zu finden, damit du das Maximum aus deiner Online Marketing Strategie holen kannst - ganz einfach und unverbindlich!

Automation im Marketing: Auf Ziele optimieren

Mar 4, 2025





Beitragsbanner zum Thema Automation im Marketing.

Ende 2024 nutzte im Schnitt schon jedes fünfte Unternehmen regelmäßig künstliche Intelligenz (KI) . Bei Großunternehmen mit mehr als 250 Beschäftigten waren es sogar 48%. KI und weitere Automatismen (wie beispielsweise Machine Learning ) betreffen so gut wie alle Aspekte des Alltags, und machen auch vor dem Online Marketing nicht Halt. Dabei greifen sie gerne mal stark in den Berufsalltag ein, und lassen den einen oder anderen Marketeer daran zweifeln, ob der eigene Beruf überhaupt noch Zukunft hat, oder bald komplett durch KI ersetzt wird. Aber ist diese Befürchtung überhaupt gerechtfertigt? Oder gibt es vielleicht doch Möglichkeiten, wie man auch in Zeiten der Automation noch aktiv in seine Marketingstrategie eingreifen kann? Wie das geht, zeigen wir dir in unserer Blog-Serie “5 Tipps, wie die eigene Online Marketing Strategie auch in Zeiten der Automation noch relevant bleibt” . Wo Automation im Online Marketing schon Verwendung findet Von allen Branchen ist Marketing weltweit wahrscheinlich einer der größten Vorreiter in Bezug auf die Nutzung von KI und Automation im Berufsalltag. Laut einer Studie von Hubspot aus dem Jahr 2024 gaben 74% der Marketer an , in ihrem Beruf schon aktiv KI in irgendeiner Form zu verwenden. 2023 lag diese Zahl noch bei 21%. Das ist ein Anstieg von ~250% im Vergleich zum Vorjahr und zeigt, wie sehr KI speziell das Online Marketing prägt. Dabei reicht die Nutzung von Datenanalysen über Recherchearbeiten bis hin zu Content Creation, wie etwa der Erstellung von Bildern oder Texten für Blogeinträge (dieser hier ist aber zu 100% aus Menschenhand, großes AndroidenPfadfinderehrenwort). Doch auch in Tools, die Marketer in den letzten zwei Jahrzehnten verwendet haben, finden immer mehr KI-Features Einzug . Das geht so weit, dass beispielsweise in Google Ads oder Meta Ads schon ganze Kampagnentypen fast vollständig mit Automatisierung laufen. Laut Google, Meta und weiteren Werbeplattformen. sollen diese Kampagnentypen (Performance Max, Advantage+, Accelerate Campaigns, etc.) dabei helfen, schneller, einfacher und mit weniger Aufwand Accounts zu skalieren, durch die Power von KI günstiger relevanten Traffic zu generieren und bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen, indem sie Vorarbeiten und Setup-Aufwände teils drastisch reduzieren, weniger operative Pflege benötigen und insgesamt eine personalisiertere Ansprache ermöglichen. Dass dies nicht immer der Realität entspricht, ist mittlerweile hinreichend bekannt und zeigt sich vor allem dann, wenn die Performance der Kampagnen plötzlich schwächelt. In solchen Situationen offenbaren sich die “Schattenseiten” der Automatisierung , denn mehr Automation bedeutet gleichzeitig auch mehr Blackbox weniger Einstellungsmöglichkeiten, sowie eine Abkehr von den “klassischen” Optimierungsmaßnahmen. Was also tun, wenn unsere Kampagnen unter den Erwartungen bleiben, und wir die begrenzten Möglichkeiten der Tools selbst schon ausgeschöft haben? Ganz einfach, es müssen weitere Optimierungsmaßnahmen her! In unserer Blog-Serie zeigen wir dir 5 Tipps, wie die eigene Online Marketing Strategie auch in Zeiten der Automation noch relevant bleibt . #1 Auf Business-Ziele optimieren Wann hast du eigentlich das letzte Mal deine Business-Ziele definiert und/oder angepasst ? Wenn du jetzt länger darüber nachdenken musst, wird es vermutlich mal wieder dringend Zeit. Denn diese können sich im Laufe der Zeit ändern, bedingt durch Veränderungen im eigenen Unternehmen, oder anderen, externen Faktoren, wie etwa eine sich ändernde Wirtschaftslage, höherer Konkurrenzdruck oder andere unvorhersehbare Gegebenheiten. Doch wie wählt man eigentlich die richtigen Geschäftsziele aus? Für die Definition der eigenen Geschäftsziele gibt es unterschiedliche Ansätze. Besonders verbreitet und populär ist die Verwendung von sogenannten SMART-Goals . Das Akronym steht hierbei für S pecific M easurable A chievable R elevant T ime-bound. Kurz zusammengefasst bedeutet das, wir sollten uns überlegen, welche Ziele wir genau erreichen wollen und wie wir den (Miss-)Erfolg messen können. Die Ziele sollten immer realistisch und damit erreichbar sein und eine hohe Relevanz für uns haben. Zum Abschluss sollte es eine Deadline geben, bis zu der die Ziele erreicht werden sollen, sowie im Optimalfall auch Kontrollpunkte dazwischen, um den Fortschritt zu überprüfen und bei Bedarf weitere Maßnahmen einzuleiten. Dabei ist die Wahl der richtigen Conversions gar nicht so einfach, denn nicht jede mögliche Aktion auf der Webseite ist für uns von gleichwertiger Bedeutung. Die folgenden vier Fragen können dabei helfen, die relevantesten Conversions zu identifizieren. Welche Conversions sollen ausgelöst werden? Zunächst stellt sich die Frage, welche Aktion(en) die optimalen Nutzer*innen auslösen sollen. Je nach Marketing-Strategie kann das beispielsweise der Download eines PDFs, eine Kontaktanfrage oder auch der klassische Kauf sein . Möglicherweise haben wir auch schon einen eigenen Funnel, der bei der Weiterqualifizierung hilft. Lassen sich Conversionwerte beziffern? Der einfachste Fall ist hier mit Sicherheit der Kauf, da sich dort der Wert logischerweise aus dem verkaufen Produkt errechnet. Was aber, wenn wir eine Dienstleistung anbieten, die nicht pauschal auf einen Wert festzulegen ist? In diesem Fall können wir versuchen, den Wert anderweitig zu ermitteln. Die Intention der Vergabe von Werten für Conversions begründet sich darin, dass es damit zum einen leichter fällt, einen ROI zu berechnen, und zum anderen den Werbeplattformen spezifische Signale zur Bedeutung der Conversions gibt, auf die dann etwaige Gebotsstrategien (bspw. Ziel-ROAS) optimieren können. Gibt es Unterschiede bei Upselling / CLTV? Haben wir Produkte, die häufig in Kombination mit anderen Produkten gekauft werden, bietet sich hier die Möglichkeit, per Cross-/Upselling den durchschnittlichen Conversion-Wert zu erhöhen. Deshalb kann es auch von Vorteil sein, solche Produkte oder Dienstleistungen besonders stark zu bewerben, selbst wenn der initiale Wert niedriger ist als bei anderen. Produkte, die in der Regel wiederholt gekauft werden oder zu weiterführenden Käufen führen, erhöhen zusätzlich den Customer Lifetime Value (CLTV) . Gibt es Einstiegshürden / typische Probleme? Möglicherweise ist für viele Nutzer das Produkt zu teuer, oder sie finden nicht auf Anhieb was sie suchen. Vielleicht wissen sie auch noch nicht, dass wir Lösungen anbieten, die genau bei ihren Problemen helfen. Letzteres beobachten wir besonders häufig im B2B. Diese Faktoren könnten auch dafür sorgen, dass bestimmte Conversions seltener oder im Extremfall gar nicht ausgelöst werden, weil die initiale Hürde zu groß ist . Hier kann es von Vorteil sein, sich vorerst auf Produkte und Dienstleistungen zu fokussieren, die weniger erklärungsbedürftig, oder in der Preiskategorie etwas tiefer angesiedelt sind, um dann im Anschluss diese Personen weiterzuqualifizieren. Besonders im Ecommerce kann es sich besonders lohnen, in Google Ads & Co nicht nur auf einen reinen ROAS zu optimieren, sondern auch den Gewinn miteinzubeziehen , denn ROAS ist nicht gleich Gewinn! Von Haus aus können die Tools auch mithilfe von Automation keine Margen bei der Optimierung berücksichtigen, dazu fehlen den Maschinen schlicht und ergreifend die nötigen Informationen. Spielen wir diese Daten aber zusätzlich zurück, können wir dem Algorithmus einen Schubs in die richtige Richtung geben und so insgesamt die Performance steigern. Zwar kann der ROAS in den Konten dadurch sinken, solange sich aber der Gewinn erhöht, laufen die Kampagnen optimierter ausgerichtet auf unsere Business-Ziele . Zusätzlich sollten wir in regelmäßigen Abständen einen Abgleich zwischen den bestverkaufenden Produkten im Backend und denen in Google Ads, Meta, und dergleichen machen. Hier kann es nämlich zu signifikanten Unterschieden kommen, was uns die Möglichkeit gibt, bestimmte Produkte auf verschiedenen Kanälen unterschiedlich stark zu bewerben . Letztlich stellt sich auch immer die Frage: Sollen verstärkt Neukunden angesprochen werden, oder setzen wir vermehrt auf die Reaktivierung von Bestandskunden ? Beide Ziele sind valide, bringen aber unterschiedliche Vorgehensweisen bei der Bewerbung mit sich. Die Neukundenakquise kann bis zu 5x teurer sein , als Bestandskunden zu einem erneuten Kauf anzuregen. Dafür können wir so aber auch unser Kundenportfolio deutlich einfacher erweitern . Müssen wir mit einem stark limitierten Budget agieren, könnten wir aber auch gut beraten sein, hauptsächlich auf (dynamisches) Remarketing zu setzen, um so potenziell kostengünstiger Umsatz zu generieren. Berücksichtigen wir alle diese Punkte, fällt es uns anschließend deutlich einfacher, die richtigen Unternehmensziele zu identifizieren , uns darauf zu fokussieren und diese auch nachhaltig voranzutreiben. Und davon profitiert dann letztendlich auch das ganze Unternehmen. Vielen Dank für deine Aufmerksamkeit! Hoffentlich war es aufschlussreich, und du konntest etwas davon für dich mitnehmen! Im zweiten Teil unserer Miniserie beschäftigen wir uns näher mit dem Thema Kanal-Diversifizierung . Haben wir etwas Wichtiges vergessen, oder hast du noch Fragen zum Thema? Dann schreib’ es uns gerne in die Kommentare! Falls du dich direkt in Verbindung mit uns setzen willst, schau gerne mal bei unserem Kontaktformular vorbei. Wir helfen dir dabei, die für dein Unternehmen richtigen Marketingkanäle zu finden, damit du das Maximum aus deiner Online Marketing Strategie holen kannst - ganz einfach und unverbindlich!

KI Tools für performance Marketing

Feb 26, 2025




Artificial Intelligence

Beitragsbanner mit Hintergrundbild und Titel

Die Landschaft des digitalen Marketings hat sich in den letzten Jahren rasant entwickelt. Mit schnellen Fortschritten in der Datenerhebung, -analyse und Zielgruppenansprache stehen Marketer*innen vor einer wachsenden Nachfrage nach intelligenten, personalisierten Strategien. Die Datenmenge nimmt stetig zu, und die Notwendigkeit für schnelle, präzise Entscheidungen war noch nie so groß. Hier kommt Künstliche Intelligenz (KI) ins Spiel – ein revolutionäres Werkzeug, das Effizienz, Genauigkeit und Kampagnenleistung erheblich steigert. Wir zeigen euch, wie wir KI nutzen, um unsere Arbeitsabläufe zu optimieren, Kunden- und Kundinnen-Insights zu verbessern und bessere Ergebnisse zu erzielen. Die Rolle von KI im Performance Marketing KI spielt im Marketing mehrere Rollen – von der Datenanalyse und Erkennung von Kundenmustern bis hin zur Automatisierung von Prozessen und KI-gestützte Kampagnen. Durch die Integration von KI-basierten Tools erreichen wir: Schnellere und präzisere Datenanalyse Optimiertes und automatisiertes Kampagnenmanagement Verbesserte Zielgruppensegmentierung und Personalisierung Genaue Vorhersagen durch KI-gestützte Kampagnen Diese Vorteile führen zu mehr Effizienz, besseren Entscheidungen und letztendlich zu höheren Marketing Renditen. Verantwortungsvolle Anwendungsmöglichkeiten KI Bevor wir uns konkreten Anwendungsmöglichkeiten von KI widmen, sind zwei Grundprinzipien zu beachten: Datenschutz & Sicherheit – Wir geben keine Kund:innendaten an KI-Tools weiter, um die Einhaltung von Datenschutzbestimmungen zu gewährleisten. Qualitätskontrolle – KI kann qualitativ hochwertige Ergebnisse liefern, aber wir überprüfen und optimieren diese stets, um Fehler und Unstimmigkeiten zu vermeiden. Nun sehen wir uns die praktischen Einsatzgebiete von KI im Performance Marketing an. 1. KI-gestützte Marktforschung Ein tiefgehendes Verständnis des Marktes ist entscheidend für eine erfolgreiche Kampagnenplanung. Bei neuen Kund:innen oder Projekten starten wir mit einer umfassenden Marktforschung. Neben klassischen Kund*innenbriefings, die Informationen über das Unternehmen, Produkte, den Markt und Mitbewerber*innen enthalten, nutzen wir KI-gestützte Tools wie ChatGPT und Gemini, um eine zusätzliche Marktanalyse zu erstellen. Dies hilft uns: Potenzielle Lücken in der Erforschung zu identifizieren Neue Perspektiven auf das Kundenverhalten zu gewinnen Datengetriebene Annahmen zu validieren Ein Beispiel: Wir geben die URL einer Kund*innenwebsite ein und lassen KI eine Zusammenfassung des Unternehmens, der Wettbewerber:innen und der Markttrends erstellen. Dieses Ergebnis wird mit unseren internen Analysen abgeglichen, um seine Genauigkeit zu gewährleisten. 2. Entwicklung von Marketingstrategien KI verbessert maßgeblich die Entwicklung und Verfeinerung von Marketingstrategien. Wir nutzen KI insbesondere für: Detaillierte Zielgruppenanalyse & Segmentierung – KI hilft uns, Zielgruppen basierend auf Interessen, Verhalten und demografischen Merkmalen zu gruppieren, um gezieltere Kampagnen zu gestalten. Persona-Entwicklung – Durch KI-gestützte Analysen können wir detaillierte Kundenprofile erstellen und Marketingbotschaften personalisieren. Predictive Marketing & Analytics – KI-Modelle analysieren historische Daten, um zukünftige Entwicklungen vorherzusagen, sodass wir Strategien proaktiv anpassen können. Wir arbeiten aktuell an der internen Entwicklung eines KITools für Unternehmen, das Daten aus Google Ads, META und GA4 integriert, um Conversion-Raten vorherzusagen und Budgets optimal zu verteilen. 3. Content-Erstellung Content ist das Herzstück jeder Marketingkampagne, und KI erleichtert kreative Prozesse erheblich. Keyword-Recherche & Anzeigentexte KI-basierte Tools wie ChatGPT und Copy.ai helfen uns, relevante Keywords für die Kampagnen zu generieren. Diese Tools unterstützen uns beim Verfassen von Anzeigen, sodass sie den Best Practices entsprechen und die Markenstimme beibehalten wird. Erstellung kreativer Inhalte KI-gestützte Design-Tools wie Canva AI und Adcreative.ai ermöglichen die schnelle Erstellung von Bannern und Visuals. Einige Werbeplattformen, darunter Google Ads und META, integrieren bereits KI-generierte kreative Elemente direkt in ihre Kampagnentools. Obwohl KI die Content-Erstellung beschleunigt, überprüfen und optimieren wir stets alle Inhalte, um Konsistenz und Qualität sicherzustellen. 4. Kampagnenoptimierung & -management Über Strategie und Content hinaus spielt KI eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Optimierung laufender Kampagnen. Wir haben KI-gestützte Skripte und Tools entwickelt, um: Automatische Budgetanpassungen vorzunehmen – Ein von uns entwickeltes Skript hilft, Budgets dynamisch basierend auf der Performance zu verteilen. Zum Beispiel: Brand-Kampagnen mit einer CTR oder Conversion-Rate über 10 % erhalten 20 % des neuen Budgets. Erfolgreiche Non-Brand-Kampagnen erhalten 60 % des Budgets. Schwächer performende Kampagnen erhalten die verbleibenden 20 %. Performance-Prognosen zu erstellen – KI-gestützte Vorhersagemodelle helfen uns, zukünftige Trends zu erkennen. Durch die Analyse historischer Daten können wir abschätzen, wie Kampagnen in den nächsten 60 Tagen abschneiden werden. Diese KI-basierten Tools ermöglichen eine schnellere und genauere Kampagnenoptimierung als herkömmliche manuelle Methoden. Fazit: KI revolutioniert weiterhin das digitale Marketing und hilft Unternehmen, mit der steigenden Komplexität datengetriebener Kampagnen Schritt zu halten. Trotz aller Vorteile müssen Datenschutz und die Qualität der generierten Inhalte stets gewährleistet sein. Durch die Integration von KI in Marktforschung, Strategieentwicklung, Content-Erstellung und Kampagnenmanagement steigern wir unsere Effizienz und erzielen bessere Ergebnisse. Doch KI ersetzt keine menschliche Expertise – sie ergänzt sie, indem sie uns intelligenter arbeiten lässt. Interessiert an den Möglichkeiten von KI für Ihr Unternehmen? Kontaktieren Sie uns für individuelle Lösungen und lassen Sie uns gemeinsam Ihre Marketingstrategien optimieren!

internetwarriors - Ausgezeichnet mit dem SEA Qualitätszertifikat des BVDW

Feb 20, 2025




Inside Internet Warriors

Blogbeitragsbanner unseres SEA Qualitätszertifikates von BVDW.

Suchmaschinenmarketing entwickelt sich ständig weiter, und damit auch die Anforderungen an Unternehmen und Agenturen. Das SEA-Qualitätszertifikat bescheinigt uns als Agentur Internetwarriors umfassende Expertise und Professionalität im Bereich Search Engine Advertising . Mit dem Erhalt des SEA-Qualitätszertifikats des BVDW beweisen wir als internetwarriors, dass wir die höchsten Standards in der Suchmaschinenwerbung erfüllen. Dieses Zertifikat bescheinigt uns nicht nur fundierte Fachkenntnisse, sondern auch eine professionelle und transparente Arbeitsweise. Der anspruchsvolle Zertifizierungsprozess umfasste eine detaillierte Überprüfung unserer Strategieentwicklung, Kampagnensteuerung und Erfolgskontrolle, wobei besonders die Zufriedenheit unserer Kund*innen im Mittelpunkt stand. Für uns bedeutet dies nicht nur einen Qualitätsnachweis, sondern auch eine Bestätigung unserer Werte, auf denen unsere Arbeit beruht: Transparenz, Effizienz und Erfolg. Mit dieser Auszeichnung garantieren wir unseren Kund*innen, dass ihre Kampagnen in den besten Händen sind und kontinuierlich optimiert werden, um den maximalen Erfolg zu erzielen. Strenge Kriterien, objektive Prüfung: So läuft die Zertifizierung ab Der Bewerbungsprozess für das SEA-Qualitätszertifikat des BVDW ist anspruchsvoll und umfasst mehrere Kriterien zur Bewertung der Agentur Qualität: Unterzeichnung des Code of Conducts Beleg der Mitarbeiterqualifikationen durch Fachartikel, Vorträge oder Workshops Nachweis über die Tätigkeit und das Umsatzvolumen als SEA-Agentur Befragung ausgewählter Kunden zur Zufriedenheit mit der Agenturarbeit Vorlage von Referenzen über erfolgreiche Kundenprojekte Alle SEA-Agenturen haben grundsätzlich die Möglichkeit, sich für das BVDW-Qualitätszertifikat zu bewerben. Um jedoch tatsächlich zertifiziert zu werden, müssen strenge Auswahlkriterien erfüllt werden. Die Bewertung erfolgt in folgenden Bereichen: 20 % Erfahrung im SEA-Bereich 40 % Effizienz und Struktur in der Arbeitsweise 30 % Kundenzufriedenheit 10 % Engagement im Markt Abbildung 1: Ablauf SEA Verfahren. Quelle: https://www.bvdw.org/zertifizierungen/sea/ Diese Anforderungen sorgen dafür, dass nur die besten Agenturen ausgezeichnet werden. Auch internetwarriors haben diese hohen Standards erfüllt und sind nun stolzer Träger des SEA-Qualitätszertifikats des BVDW. Aktuell tragen bundesweit nur etwa 23 Agenturen dieses exklusive Siegel (Stand: Januar 2024). Vertrau auf zertifizierte SEA-Expertise Mit dem SEA-Qualitätssiegel des BVDW setzen wir ein klares Zeichen für Qualität und Vertrauenswürdigkeit in der Suchmaschinenwerbung. Profitiere von unserer zertifizierten Expertise! Wenn du einen erfahrenen Partner für deine SEA-Kampagnen suchst, der höchste Standards garantiert, kontaktiere uns ! Gemeinsam entwickeln wir eine individuelle Strategie und bringen deine digitalen Werbeziele erfolgreich voran.

Internetwarriors GmbH: Dein Partner für die CRM Management Software Teamleader Focus

Jan 30, 2025




Inside Internet Warriors

Die Internetwarriors GmbH hat sich als offizieller Partner von Teamleader Focus etabliert, einem leistungsstarken CRM-System, das speziell für kleine und mittlere Unternehmen entwickelt wurde. Diese Partnerschaft ermöglicht es internetwarriors, Unternehmen bei der Implementierung und Optimierung von Teamleader Focus zu unterstützen. In diesem Artikel erfährst du, wie internetwarriors dabei hilft, relevante Prozesse im CRM effizienter zu gestalten und welche Vorteile Teamleader Focus bietet. Die Bedeutung eines CRM Management Software Ein CRM-System ist ein unverzichtbares Werkzeug für Unternehmen, die ihre Kundenbeziehungen optimieren möchten. Es bietet eine zentrale Kundenmanagement Software  zur Verwaltung aller Kundeninformationen und verbessert so die Effizienz und Effektivität der Kundenkommunikation. Darüber hinaus automatisiert ein CRM-System viele Routineaufgaben, was Zeit spart und die Produktivität steigert. Vorteile eines CRM-Systems Zentralisierte Datenverwaltung : Alle Kundendaten sind an einem Ort gespeichert, was den Zugriff erleichtert und die Zusammenarbeit im Team verbessert. Verbesserte Kundenkommunikation : Durch die Speicherung der Kommunikationshistorie können Unternehmen gezielt auf Kundenbedürfnisse eingehen. Effiziente Aufgabenverwaltung : Automatisierung von Routineaufgaben wie Follow-ups und E-Mail-Versand spart Zeit und minimiert Fehler. Was macht Teamleader Focus besonders? Teamleader Focus ist ein umfassendes CRM-System, das Kundenmanagement, Projektmanagement und Rechnungsstellung in einer einzigen Plattform vereint. Diese Integration macht es besonders attraktiv für Unternehmen, die ihre Abläufe straffen und effizienter gestalten möchten sowie ihre Prozesse im CRM abbilden möchten. Hauptfunktionen von Teamleader Focus als CRM Management Software Lead Management : Verfolgt den gesamten Verkaufsprozess von der Lead-Generierung bis zum Abschluss. Kontaktmanagement : Speichert alle Kundendaten zentral und ermöglicht einen besseren Überblick über die Kundenhistorie. Angebotserstellung : Ermöglicht das schnelle Erstellen professioneller Angebote mit benutzerdefinierten Logos und Farben. Dokumentenmanagement : Zentralisiert alle wichtigen Dokumente wie E-Mails und Angebote an einem Ort. Die Rolle von internetwarriors als Teamleader Partner - CRM Beratung  Als offizieller Partner von Teamleader Focus bieten die internetwarriors umfassende Unterstützung bei der Implementierung des CRM-Systems. Dies umfasst eine CRM Beratung, interne Schulungen sowie maßgeschneiderte Entwicklungen, um den spezifischen Anforderungen jedes Unternehmens gerecht zu werden. Die Partnerschaft mit Teamleader ermöglicht es uns auch, Zugang zu exklusiven Ressourcen und Schulungen zu erhalten, um ihren Kund*innen den bestmöglichen Service zu bieten. Vorteile der Partnerschaft mit internetwarriors Fachkundige Beratung : Unterstützung bei der Auswahl und Implementierung der richtigen CRM-Lösung. Schulungen : Interne Schulungen zur optimalen Nutzung von Teamleader Focus. Individuelle Anpassungen : Entwicklung spezifischer Integrationen zwischen Teamleader Focus und anderen Tools zur Verbesserung der Geschäftsprozesse. Fazit: Effiziente Geschäftsprozesse mit Teamleader Focus Für viele Unternehmen ist es entscheidend, effiziente Abläufe zu haben, um im Wettbewerb bestehen zu können. Ein leistungsstarkes CRM-System wie Teamleader Focus bietet die notwendigen Werkzeuge, um Prozesse im CRM zu optimieren und die Kundenzufriedenheit zu steigern. Durch die Partnerschaft mit internetwarriors können Unternehmen sicherstellen, dass sie das volle Potenzial von Teamleader Focus ausschöpfen und ihre Geschäftsziele effektiv erreichen. Die Kombination aus einem leistungsstarken CRM-System und der Expertise eines erfahrenen Partners wie internetwarriors bietet eine unschlagbare Lösung für Unternehmen, die ihre Effizienz steigern und ihre Kundenbeziehungen verbessern möchten. Nimm Kontakt mit uns auf , wenn du an einer CRM Beratung interessiert bist!

Optimize PDF SEO the Right Way!

Aug 14, 2024





Now that all necessary measures for search engine optimization (also: SEO ) have been taken and the website achieves top rankings? Even if the first steps are successfully mastered, the next step comes - SEO for PDFs! [object Object] The PDF file is notoriously not well-regarded in the SEO world, but sometimes it's unavoidable. This is partly due to the static format (HTML pages are not as easily downloadable) and partly due to the user experience: some people prefer to read certain content offline, and PDF files usually provide detailed information that isn't always suitable for HTML pages due to text length (extensive scrolling and unnecessary information can, in the worst case, lead to bounce rates). So PDFs have their own target audience that can and should be addressed. Therefore, optimizing PDFs for search engines is worthwhile, even if it brings some challenges. Back to the roots: History and relevance of PDFs Regular users of Google search know that organic search results can include not only websites but also PDF documents. In fact, PDF files have been in the Google index since the year 2000: PDF file in Google search - https://www.internetwarriors.de/ The PDF format (Portable Document Format) has existed since the early '90s - developed by Adobe Inc. - and can contain both text and images, forms, links, etc. Today it stands for the open standard (ISO) and is very popular for its accessibility. [object Object] The inclusion by search engines allowed users a broader access to information. This added value resulted in the discussed indexing of static PDF files. This was the starting shot for another discipline of search engine optimization: SEO PDF. [object Object] Though PDF files differ from 'classic' web formats, they offer numerous advantages for SEO. This isn't just about the profit for users, but also about keywords (PDFs can be excellently optimized for keywords), backlinks (PDFs as a source for backlinks), and enduring content. Therefore, when well-integrated into the SEO strategy, PDFs can provide significant added value. Search engine optimization for PDFs: Doing it right! To understand how to optimize PDF documents, two main questions arise: How does Google rank PDF files? What decides their position compared to websites? And ultimately - what differentiates PDFs from classic websites? Two points stand out: PDFs are generally longer Users tend to link less to PDF documents Google itself also says that determining relevance is difficult because it depends on personal preference whether a user prefers to read a PDF or a website. Different search engines handle this differently and so only some helpful hints can be provided here. Find out what these are! But first, a golden rule: Google, as a text-based search engine, needs real text to optimally read and evaluate a document. PDFs often consist of images, especially if they are scanned book pages, etc. With the help of OCR software (Optical Character Recognition - a technology many are familiar with from scanners), Google might be able to better read images containing text in the future, but until then, pure text documents are the better choice. This is where SEO optimization for PDFs begins: Formatting, adjusting, and reformatting As mentioned, PDF SEO optimization starts with the correct file format. It's simple to check if it’s correct: if text from a PDF document can be copied and pasted into, e.g., a Word file, it is real text. Even if tables are present in a file, they should be text-based. Selectable text isn’t the only requirement for the correct format. Besides the text content, other aspects need to be considered, such as file size. Following the principle “as small as possible” practically ensures you can’t go wrong in this regard. Generally, file size reflects loading speed and download duration. A size under 1 MB is generally considered user-friendly, but some PDFs require more, justified by the amount of content. Additionally, a range between 1 and 5 MB can be seen as optimal, with anything over 1 MB aimed at large files and documents. It’s important to consider image compression to prevent unnecessarily increasing the file size. Always ask whether the file size suits its purpose and prioritize user experience. [object Object] Don’t overlook the write protection of PDFs - it’s crucial to prevent changes and modifications to the original files. Despite crawlers accessing write-protected PDFs, indexing them is usually pointless. It’s recommended to set such PDFs to noindex.  [object Object] In summary: Correct formatting is the first step in PDF SEO optimization. It also ensures readability and accessibility, essential for a positive user experience. Content determines success “Content is King” seems to be one of the most well-known and current quotes, even though it originates from a 1996 essay by Bill Gates. The saying has become somewhat of a cliché and has its place in the online marketing world. It’s also a rule in search engine optimization when it comes to content creation. PDFs are no exception. [object Object] The rule always applies - it’s all about the users. Thus, the PDF should provide added value if a good ranking is to be achieved. It needs not only SEO optimization but also informative, relevant, and useful content for the user. Added value, quality, and credibility are crucial for E-E-A-T optimization , making it essential to create high-quality content. [object Object] Content optimization for PDFs follows the same rules as for 'normal' HTML pages - one of the most important: it must be unique. This means: PDFs should provide additional information to the HTML content, may complement them, but must not be identical. This leads to the issue of duplicate content. If there’s a good reason to duplicate content, a Canonical Tag must not be forgotten. [object Object] In terms of keyword optimization, there are almost no differences: PDFs should and must be keyword optimized because search engines find and index PDFs through relevant keywords. Care should be taken to integrate keywords as naturally as possible into the content, and they should also appear in headings, title tags, meta descriptions, and file names. PDF Mastery: Onpage optimization for maximum success An onpage optimization is also required for PDF SEO. Essentially, it is very similar to onpage optimization of HTML pages. When done correctly, discoverability, user experience, and accessibility can benefit. [object Object] The first concern should be the file name : it should be as descriptive and simple as possible. Integrating a meaningful keyword into the file name is a helpful step, as it facilitates indexing by search engines. However, avoid using special characters and prefer hyphens - this measure is partly for better compatibility (for various software and operating systems), URL friendliness, and error avoidance (special characters have specific meanings in the file system). [object Object] Next, the title , part of the metadata, should be optimized. Common SEO rules apply here - length (max. 60 characters), unique design, relevant keywords, and brand at the end of the title. The title is directly stored in the PDF file and is an essential part of PDF SEO. It's possible to save the file name as the title simultaneously, which is also a permissible implementation. This must now be noted in the settings (Adobe Acrobat) accordingly. [object Object] Contrasting with the title, the meta description or description is not quite identical to what is known from SEO optimization. For PDFs, metadata includes title, author, keywords, and content summaries. Additionally, further information can be added via additional metadata. Except for keywords, which no longer have ranking relevance, all fields must be filled out. Even with different handling of PDF files, it is advisable to still consider the description's length (max. 160 characters) and add a usual call-to-action. Traditionally, headings play a very special role in SEO: …they structure content for users and search engines …provide an excellent opportunity to integrate keywords for better ranking …improve user experience …facilitate navigation, especially for users relying on screen readers …highlight content Moreover, headings are an important ranking factor. Therefore, it's crucial to equip not only websites but also PDFs with good headings. The same rules as for HTML pages should be followed - no unnecessary headings, keyword optimization, one H1 per page or document, and maintaining logical order. Inserting headings is very straightforward using Adobe Acrobat (or PDF-XChange Editor) or already in the Word file (with subsequent export of the document as PDF). [object Object] If content is considered a king in the SEO world, then internal linking is at least a hidden bridge to SEO success. Internal linking is also very relevant for PDFs, as it can increase the value of the PDF itself and its visibility. Internal linking can be well implemented through relevant keywords in the content. It is merely necessary to maintain thematic coherence and link to pages that fit the PDF's content. Moreover, anchor texts should not be overlooked, nor should the embedding in the sitemap. If backlinks from high-quality websites point to the document, there is an excellent chance to improve authority and visibility and thus work into the E-E-A-T concept. Furthermore, internal linking is almost indispensable if one wants to optimize PDFs for SEO. Tech-Tuning: Optimize your PDF! Once content, keywords, and onpage aspects for PDFs are optimized, the first half is done. The next and almost last step should be technical optimization. [object Object] Including it in the sitemap is essential for universal and/or current PDFs. However, one should start with the added value - does the PDF file offer it to the user? If this question can be positively answered and the criteria are met, then the sitemap is the right place for PDFs. The advantages are similar to HTML pages - direct indexing, better discoverability, improved performance, and proactive control of the indexing process. However, if certain files are to be excluded from indexing, this can also be done using the “noindex” tag. [object Object] The canonical tag should be correctly used and applied: Is the PDF content similar or even identical to the HTML page content? If so, the canonical tag is indispensable to avoid the issue of duplicate content. [object Object] The SEO optimization of PDFs also requires mobile optimization - correspondingly, aspects that characterize a mobile-friendly file should be considered - starting with file size (shouldn't be too large) to correct formatting (e.g., portrait orientation, left-aligned text, use of sections & headings, good structuring, etc.). If these points are observed, PDF search engine optimization is on the right track! PDF without barriers: Accessibility redefined! The topic of web accessibility has been discussed for a long time - and rightly so! Websites should be accessible to everyone, and from June 2025, this becomes mandatory. Hence, basic adaptations should be made in PDFs: All images/graphics should have alt texts Headings and tags must also be implemented Content must be text-based but also need appropriate contrast and readable typeface Lastly: Don’t forget necessary configurations for screen readers. [object Object] The good news is that all these measures can be directly implemented in PDF programs like Adobe Acrobat or the PDF-XChange Editor. Afterward, you can use the accessibility check (also available in the programs) to verify implementation. SEO PDF Accessibility PDF Tracking: Measuring with Precision Those wanting to measure performance should definitely consider tracking. This is also part of PDF SEO and can be used effectively. It provides a way to understand how users interact with the PDF document. There are many methods suitable for tracking PDF files - everyone can find what works best for them. However, the tracking concept should be approached with caution, always weighing its necessity. SEO Optimization for PDFs: Strategies for Success Even if PDF SEO is considered complex, it’s worth optimizing such files correctly. It should not be underestimated that PDFs can be SEO-relevant for several reasons: Indexing of content (text-based) Additional opportunity for keyword optimization Positive user experience Distribution of link equity Sustainable content PDFs are thus a valuable addition to the website, offering content expansion, targeting specific audiences, and appropriately optimized can increase visibility. If you follow the rules and properly implement search engine optimization for PDFs and fundamentally include the use of PDF files in the SEO strategy, you can only benefit from the expanded content format! [object Object] Need help optimizing your PDF content? Don't hesitate to contact us - our team is happy to assist you! It's simple: schedule an appointment and get all the insights! Learn more about our SEO services!

Custom Columns in Google Ads: The Ultimate Guide to Greater Data Transparency

Aug 14, 2024





Google Ads offers a variety of standard reports that provide valuable insights into campaign performance. However, these reports often reach their limits when it comes to analyzing specific data points or creating individual evaluations. This is where custom columns come into play. With custom columns, you can tailor Google Ads data to your needs, gathering the information most relevant to you. In this blog article, we explore how custom columns work and introduce you to important formulas you can implement directly in your account. What are custom columns? Custom columns in Google Ads are specially tailored data fields that you can define yourself. Unlike the predefined columns available by default in Google Ads, custom columns offer the flexibility to create your own metrics and perform complex calculations. This feature is especially useful for gaining detailed insights into your campaign performance and tracking specific metrics. Benefits of using custom columns Using custom columns in Google Ads offers numerous benefits: 1. Personalization of data analysis: You can create metrics that are precisely tailored to your business goals. For instance, you can calculate ROI, Customer Lifetime Value (CLV), or other business-specific KPIs. 2. Increased efficiency: Custom columns in Google Ads allow you to perform complex data calculations directly in the Google Ads interface, reducing the need for external spreadsheets and speeding up the analysis process. 3. Improved decision-making: With tailored metrics, you can make more informed decisions, gaining specific insights into your campaign performance that would otherwise be hidden. 4. Better reporting: Custom columns facilitate the creation of detailed reports that provide your stakeholders with exactly the information they need. Creation and implementation of custom columns Creating custom columns in Google Ads is a relatively simple process. Here are the basic steps: [object Object] Log into your Google Ads account and go to the campaign area. On the right side, you will find the "Columns" menu item. Figure 1: Step 1 Select Columns   Click "Custom," but you can also get there via "Customize Columns." In the next step, you will reach the overview page and open "Custom Columns." Figure 2: Step 2 Customize Columns for Campaigns   From here, you can create the corresponding columns. Figure 3: Step 3 Create Columns   Give the column a name and description. Choose the desired metric and calculation formula. Formulas and calculations: You can use simple calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division to create your custom metric. Once you've created the custom column, you can add it to your reports and dashboards. This allows you to monitor and analyze your campaigns' performance using the new metrics. Important custom columns for Google Ads To help you get started, we've compiled some useful custom columns that you can create directly in your Google Ads account: 1. Expected costs for the current month: This column shows you the monthly budget you should expect if you don't change existing settings or budgets. Formula: REPLACE MANUALLY!!! 2. Cost-per-conversion by conversion action: This column shows the average cost per conversion for various conversion actions (e.g., purchase, newsletter signup). This helps you better understand the profitability of your conversion actions. Formula: REPLACE MANUALLY!!! Here is an excerpt of conversions we have set up in our account: Figure 4: Overview of created conversions   These are also associated with the respective CPA per conversion. The above data provides extremely useful insights into each conversion phase. Different views can also be examined to see which search terms, keywords, and ads perform accordingly, allowing you to find out very specifically where you need to optimize, cut, or increase your budget. 3. CPA in the last 7 days: This column shows the average CPA in the last 7 days. This allows you to compare the development of the CPA over the last 30 days and the last week at a glance. Formula: REPLACE MANUALLY!!! 4. ROAS in the last 7 days: This column shows the average ROAS in the last 7 days. This allows you to compare the development of the ROAS over the last 30 days and the last week at a glance. Formula: REPLACE MANUALLY!!! 5. Budget utilization: The "Budget Utilization" column shows the percentage of the set daily budget that the campaign spent on average per day in the last 7 days. It is important to note that if the daily budget is increased or decreased, the column will change accordingly. This means it is only meaningful if the budget is not adjusted. Formula: REPLACE MANUALLY!!! Conclusion Custom columns in Google Ads are a powerful tool for tailoring Google Ads data to individual needs. By creating your own columns, you gain deeper insights into your campaign performance and make informed decisions to optimize results. We are happy to help you identify and create the right custom columns in your Google Ads account. Simply contact us via the contact form and secure your non-binding offer!

Local SEO – How to Improve Your Local Visibility

Aug 9, 2024





The SEO world is famously very diverse - content SEO, E-commerce SEO, on-page SEO, off-page SEO, technical SEO, and local SEO. Many of these intertwine and are difficult to separate. Although each type of SEO has its own peculiarities and nuances, there is also a common foundation that is the same across different types of SEO. [object Object] One of the most current SEO topics is local SEO. What is local SEO and where does it come from? The origins of this field date back to 2005. With the launch of Google Maps, the local aspect suddenly became very relevant. Since then, it has been gaining more and more importance. While traditional search engine optimization focuses on being easily found on Google, local search engine optimization aims to be found when users are searching for a result in their immediate area. [object Object] It is implemented in different forms - from the Google Business Profile to local keywords. But what does it include and how is it optimized? It's not enough to just specify the city Local business SEO is not just about keywords or the city name in the title tag. It's much more about strategy, planning, and execution. The goal of local SEO is to optimize local visibility, such as how the service or product is presented and its visibility with a local context. The search results are displayed based on the users' location. The increasing relevance of local SEO is due to the fact that nowadays, many people (if not most) are mobile. This means that, for instance, when looking for a restaurant or a good online marketing agency, local SEO is the way to go: Fig.1: Local Search - 360 Online Marketing Agency For companies, local SEO is not only a cost-effective strategy but also a way to stand out from the competition. With a well-crafted profile, specific and locally tailored content, as well as feedback and reviews, your visibility will shine in new colors. As a small bonus - it helps you gain and strengthen your customers' trust! [object Object] Overall, local SEO is your excellent chance to position yourself locally and gain market presence! Opportunities and limits of Local SEO Of course, you must always weigh the pros and cons. SEO for local businesses has a different tone and, while it offers many bonus points, it also presents its own challenges: The local aspect : The local aspect, which is the focus of local search engine optimization, can be both a curse and a blessing. Compared to classic SEO measures, the website is found in certain geographic regions with a local SEO strategy, making it difficult to rank for general queries. If the company's main target is at the local level, this is definitely an advantage. However, if you want to be visible beyond one city, you should consider combined SEO strategies and not rely solely on local SEO. Continuous change in algorithms : One should always remember that search engine algorithms change very quickly, so it's important to keep adapting local SEO strategies. Competition : Especially in certain local industries, competition can be very strong, which brings certain challenges. Time investment : The time investment is another factor because you can't do SEO halfheartedly. The effort in local SEO involves keeping all information up-to-date. In certain industries, the frequency can be relatively high, but the profiles should still be kept current and maintained. Reviews : Feedback, reviews, and testimonials strengthen customer trust, and that's true! But one must not forget that reviews are not always positive. A negative review can have serious consequences and requires immediate action. A thoughtful and constructive response to a negative comment can also create trust. If you're wondering if the effort is worth it, the answer is: Absolutely, because the benefits are huge. Targeted reach : With local SEO, you can specifically target users in your area searching for products or services, significantly increasing the likelihood of interaction. Visibility : A good placement in local search results will not only increase your visibility in the region but also encourage customer interactions, both online and offline. [object Object] Cost-effectiveness: Compared to many traditional marketing measures, local SEO is a cost-effective solution, mainly relying on organic traffic. However, if you do not have enough experience in the industry, working with a local SEO agency is a good decision to balance efficiency and costs. Mobile search : As mentioned before, mobile phones are the most commonly used search medium. Local SEO is ideal to reach users seeking local insights while on the go. Trust : A business can enhance its image in the community through positive customer reviews, building trust. Practical tips from professionals: How local SEO works! It's essential to evaluate and be clear on what marketing measure is right. Even if it seems like there's a formulaic approach in practice, it's not all that straightforward. If you're unsure whether local search engine optimization is right for you, answer this simple question: Does your business (store, restaurant, shop, etc.) have a fixed location? If you can answer this question with "Yes," then it's the right SEO strategy for you! Local SEO works when there is a location that can be visited. If your business is only online, it doesn't make sense. This is because most users will make very specific search queries with local references, such as "Pizza place Mitte" or "Beauty salon Schöneberg Berlin." Geographical orientation is the starting point. Once the question of choosing the right SEO strategy is clarified, here are some fundamental tips to maximize local visibility: Google Business Profile Google has its own local SEO management. To be present there, you need to know the rules. The first one is: "Create a Google Business Profile." Formerly known as “Google My Business,” the Google Business Profile is of enormous importance for local optimization. From the provided information, Google can determine relevant insights like reviews, opening hours, photos for local rankings, and display these alongside local hits: Fig.2: Google Business Profile - internetwarriors GmbH Moreover, connections to Google Maps, Google Street View, and Google Local Pack (also known as Google 3-Pack) are only possible with the Google Business Profile. Another advantage of this platform is that it is developed directly by Google and thus also considered in organic search. This means you can appear in local Google search results, even if the content on your website hasn't been optimized. NAP NAP stands for Name, Address, and Phone number and is another important component of local SEO. This information is essential for Google and should be consistent everywhere: On third-party platforms, on your own website, and within the Google Business Profile. The spelling should be uniform as well. Otherwise, it can lead to confusion, especially for users, but also for search engines, leading to negative ranking effects. On-page & Content Anyone familiar with on-page SEO will not find major differences in local on-page SEO. One should pay attention to the same components: keywords, title tags, meta descriptions, headings, etc. But since it's about the local context, this should also be mirrored everywhere. If the title tag says, for instance, "Delicious Italian Pizza," it's best to add the city or district, for example, "Delicious Italian Pizza from Berlin-Schöneberg." The same rules apply to meta descriptions and headings. With keywords, local relevance should also be considered. This applies to the content as well. Users should understand that it is a local provider. Of course, don't forget that the content must provide value and high quality. It’s much more about the substance than marking every sentence with a keyword of local relevance. Structured Data Let's not forget structured data. Even if users do not see it, structured data is visible to search engines. By marking all necessary data, you can also benefit. Search engines recognize such information (e.g., address, opening hours, etc.) and use it for display in search results. They also contribute to better local ranking. Moreover, using structured data provides the opportunity to display rich snippets. Mobile Optimization Though it seems evident, the relevance of mobile optimization should not be neglected. On one hand, local SEO is perfect for mobile search; on the other hand, it is generally important for ranking and visibility. Furthermore, some simple rules should be followed: The less, the better: Your website’s code should not be overloaded to achieve fast loading speeds. Your website's content should not be overloaded either. Users should not have to scroll excessively, whether on desktop or mobile, to reach the desired content. Responsive Design: This is by far the most important aspect. When designing the website, responsive design should always be implemented so the content adjusts dynamically to all mobile sizes. Business Directory Back in the day, people often looked up the Yellow Pages to find desired information and addresses. Today, everything is digitized, and numerous digital business directories exist. Utilizing this opportunity and registering your business there can yield additional benefits. Reviews and Testimonials Your local SEO checklist should not miss handling reviews & testimonials! The reviews and testimonials left by customers can lift or lower the business. Negative reviews undermine trust. But you should respond to such reviews and make a statement. Therefore: Don't leave reviews unanswered and never delete negative reviews! It's important to handle criticism and not panic. [object Object] Also, try encouraging customers to give feedback and leave reviews, as the more reviews there are, the stronger the profile. Regularity is also a positive signal for search engines. However, you should collect genuine reviews to gain trust from both users and search engines. Backlinks Working with backlinks is also part of local SEO. Therefore, after completing all mentioned measures, start building relevant backlinks from websites in the local environment. Attention should be paid to the importance of links. We always recommend generic, or free, backlinks collection, as it offers significant added value. Helpful steps include using PR measures or collaborating with other local businesses. Local SEO - Your To-Do List When opting for local search engine optimization, always keep a cool head. Proper implementation brings great added value! Local SEO increases visibility in local search results and is the first point of contact when looking for services or products nearby. Additionally, it generates targeted traffic and highlights local brand presence. In summary, these are the To-Do’s that must be checked off for effective local search engine optimization: Google My Business Profile Local keywords Structured data NAP On-page & content Possibly expand social media profiles Maintain reviews Mobile optimization Backlinks We are happy to help you implement your local SEO strategies! Simply contact us via the contact form and secure your non-binding offer! [object Object] Together, towards the most sought-after local brand! Did you enjoy the blog? Recommend it now! Facebook Twitter Telegram LinkedIn Envelope WhatsApp

Improve Internal Linking for SEO: A Guide to a Successful Strategy

Aug 6, 2024





In the world of search engine optimization, there are numerous strategies and techniques to enhance the visibility of a website. One often underestimated but highly effective method is optimizing internal linking. Internal linking in SEO serves to connect different pages within a website. This plays a crucial role not only in navigation and user-friendliness but also in distributing what is known as "Link Juice," which increases the authority and relevance of pages in the eyes of search engines. In this blog post, you'll learn how to improve your SEO strategy through thoughtful and targeted internal linking. Discover the best practices to satisfy both your users and search engines and ultimately improve your ranking. As a basis for the concept of your internal linking, you will learn in a step-by-step guide how to analyze the current state and identify potential areas of improvement. Definition and significance for SEO Basically, there are two types of hyperlinks: Internal links are connections that lead from your website to a subpage within your website. They help users navigate through your site and assist search engines in understanding the structure and hierarchy of your site. The advantage is that you have 100% control over them. External links , on the other hand, lead from a completely different domain to your website or vice versa. They can enhance credibility. However, you do not have full control over these and are dependent on other websites. This blog post will focus solely on internal linking. An important term in this context is "link juice." Link juice is the strength of a page. It consists of the quality and number of incoming links as well as their distribution across a website. As a result, the homepage has the most link juice and can pass it on through internal links. Links from pages considered more important transfer more link power than links from less important pages . A page is deemed important when many other important pages link to it. Link power is not distributed evenly. For example, if there are 100 internal links, they do not each receive 1/100 link power. Some links receive more, others less link power. The significance for SEO is diverse. Internal links enhance the user experience by helping visitors easily reach the desired information. For search engines, internal links are indicators of which pages on your website are most important. Pages that receive many internal links are considered particularly relevant and can rank higher in search results. Additionally, internal links make it easier for search engine crawlers to explore and index your site, thereby improving the discoverability and visibility of your content. Significance for Users The importance of internal links for SEO is diverse. They improve the user experience by helping visitors easily find the desired information. Within a text, for example, other products or services of the company are linked. This allows users to reach the page directly via the link without having to navigate to the site's menu. A well-thought-out internal linking strategy for SEO can help increase the user's time spent on your site. This can lead to better rankings in search results, as search engines consider user behavior in evaluating a site. Significance for Search Engines For search engines, internal links are an indicator of which pages on your site are most important. Pages with high link juice are considered particularly relevant and can rank higher in search results. Additionally, internal links make it easier for search engine crawlers to explore and index your site. This, in turn, improves the discoverability and visibility of your content. We occasionally hear the idea of marking links with nofollow to save link power. However, we advise against this. In such cases, the link is not followed, but it is still perceived as a link. During the calculation of link power, this link is considered in the total count. Concrete tips for optimizing internal linking We have concrete and practical tips on how you can optimize the internal linking on your website for more efficient SEO. From identifying particularly rewarding pages to choosing the right anchor texts to strategically placing links, these tips will help you fully exploit the potential of your internal linking and sustainably improve your SEO performance. 1. Use Screaming Frog to find pages that particularly benefit from additional internal links How can you find out which pages would benefit the most from additional internal links? This is where Screaming Frog comes into play. This powerful SEO tool allows you to specifically search for pages that are currently under-linked and therefore have great potential for additional internal links. Especially for pages that already have high traffic and are relatively poorly linked, there is a high probability that additional links will increase visibility and relevance in search results. First, create an API connection with Google Search Console : [object Object] 1. Configuration → API Access → Google Search Console [object Object] 2. Log in and select domain → OK Figure 1: Screaming Frog Guide: Set up API access Then start the crawl of the domain and limit the dataset to relevant data : [object Object] 1. Internal → HTML [object Object] 2. Select the following columns: Address, Meta Robots 1, Inlinks, Impressions [object Object] 3. Filter: Meta Robots 1 → does not contain → "noindex" Figure 2: Screaming Frog Dataset Once the crawl is complete, you should have a manageable number of pages. Now the ratio between inlinks and impressions is relevant. For optimization, especially those pages are interesting that have many impressions but few incoming links . For these pages, optimizing internal linking is a great way to capture the low-hanging fruits (threshold keywords). If the number of URLs is too overwhelming, you can save the data and create a chart using Excel. 2. Use internal links in the content of the page When using links in the text, the so-called anchor text (or also anchor text/link text) is particularly important. You shouldn't use phrases like "Click here" or "Learn more." Because not only should users learn from the anchor text what to expect on the linked page, but so should bots. Therefore, the linked text should as closely as possible match the keyword of the target page. However, we recommend not using the same anchor text (the keyword) 1:1 for every linking of a page, as that would seem unnatural. Ideally, use variations and synonyms, sometimes single words, phrases, or even entire sentences with keywords. It's also important to consider the position of the link. The highest importance lies in links within a text. The context signals to both users and bots the context in which the link is located. The further up on the page it is placed, the more important it appears. Of course, buttons can still be used, as they are user-friendly. Pay attention to a good link text here as well. Furthermore, images can also be linked. In this case, using the alt attribute and a good image title is particularly important. Specifically, the alt text visualizes for the bots what can be seen in the images and indicates what content the target page offers. 3. Use internal links in the navigation Navigation consists mainly of the menu and the footer . The navigation can be accessed from any page, and thus the links are visible on every page. Especially the most important pages should be linked in the menu, as they receive a lot of link power from this placement. The links in the footer should also not be forgotten. However, it is not meant to contain innumerable links. Linking pages from the menu a second time in the footer makes no sense. Moreover, the links pass less link juice because they are less likely to be clicked. Seasonal pages should be well-linked internally with some lead time. If a topic is relevant in 5-6 months, the target page can be linked in the footer. However, it should be linked more prominently 2-3 months beforehand, e.g., in the menu, on the homepage, and from relevant content to show search engines that it is currently a very important page. We also recommend integrating a breadcrumb for easy navigation. The links it contains show the hierarchical depth of the active page and offer the users the opportunity to reach the correct parent page with a few clicks. As a result, it is very user-friendly and increases the number of internal links in the domain. 4. Quality over Quantity There is no optimal amount of internal links on a website. More important is that the links are relevant and make sense . If you keep this principle in mind, you cannot have too many internal links on a page. You can ask yourself for each link: Could this page be interesting for users? If that is the case, it is a good and relevant link. If you want to create a concept for the internal linking of your website from scratch, you should consider the so-called siloing . This is the topic-relevant linking . According to this principle, online shop visitors on a product detail page for a soccer shoe should not see links to products from the "T-shirts" or "Pants" categories. These are likely not relevant in this case. Instead, it makes sense to offer a link to a soccer shoe from another brand, as the users are obviously interested in this product type. Therefore, internal linking should be limited to the category in which the users currently are and should only refer to the homepages of other categories. Figure 3: Siloing - topic-relevant linking Internal Linking & SEO: Conclusion from internetwarriors Optimizing internal linking is an important but often underestimated method for improving a website's SEO strategy. Through targeted internal linking, both the user-friendliness and the visibility and relevance of pages for search engines can be significantly improved. Well-thought-out internal linking supports navigation, efficiently distributes link juice, and helps search engines better understand the structure of the website. Practical tips such as the use of tools like Screaming Frog, the correct selection and placement of anchor texts, as well as high-quality and topic-relevant linking, are essential for success. Overall, optimized internal linking contributes to longer user dwell time and a better ranking in search results. We are happy to support you in developing an SEO strategy for internal linking. With an SEO Analysis , we find the potential of your website, define measures, and can implement these together under SEO Management . Contact us anytime for a non-binding offer! Did you like the blog? Recommend it now! Facebook Twitter Telegram Linkedin Envelope Whatsapp

Privacy Sandbox Stopped! The Future of Chrome Third-Party Cookies

Jul 29, 2024




Web Analytics

Google plans to block third-party cookies in Chrome and replace them with cohort data. However, this faced difficulties. Even though the plans were abandoned, the fear of a comprehensive tracking blockade remains. In this blog post, you'll learn more about the latest developments in tracking and how our solution can help. Chrome relies on third-party cookies – What you need to know now In 2019, Google announced that with the introduction of the Google Privacy Sandbox, it would block all third-party cookies in its Chrome browser. These measures have already been implemented by the browsers Safari and Firefox. However, Google's approach encountered significant challenges, particularly regarding the use of cohort data provided by Google based on browsing history. Instead of traditional third-party cookies, the Privacy Sandbox is intended to provide information about user groups, known as cohorts or interest groups. These groups are based on browsing history and offer advertisers a new way to reach target audiences. The problem is that marketers rely on the data provided by Google, which could allow Google to gain a monopoly position. Additionally, the results of the Privacy Sandbox trial from the first quarter of 2024 did not yield the desired outcomes. These insufficient results ultimately led to Google abandoning its plans to block third-party cookies . This was confirmed in an official blog post by Anthony Chavez. Yet, the concern over a comprehensive blockade may not necessarily be over. With Google’s new proposal, users can make informed decisions about which data to permit for tracking. This might lead many users to opt for a full or heavily restricted tracking blockade. Therefore, it remains essential to keep your advertising tracking methods up to date to counteract the effects of potential tracking blockades. A proven technology in this area is server-side tracking. Our case studies and the experiences of numerous clients show that server-side tracking can increase the captured data volume by at least 12% . Do you have any further questions or comments? Feel free to contact us or use the comment function below.

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